2009 Autumn Edition
The Bhagwath purana speaks about the cycles of creation and dissolution of the universe, the ‘Pulsating’ theory. It describes that in each cycle of the four yugas, many great men and women take up intense austerities to win the grace of God, to be reborn in a role that ensures close physical proximity to the Avatar when He chooses to descend on Earth. After many lifetimes of penance these souls are blessed with the fortune of His physical presence. There have been many who have earned the births of the vanaras of Treta Yuga, the gopikas of Dwapara yuga, of Santh Meera, of Prabhu Chaitanya, of Saint Ramdas etc.. No brush with divinity is a chance encounter. Each opportunity was in some life time sincerely yearned for. Whether we deserve the gift, is not for us to ruminate over. But it is ours to introspect, whether we do justice when blessed with the divine chance, the treasure that we have yearned for, for lifetimes innumerable.
Despite the fact that God is the loving mother of all creation, in no previous descent as an Avatar does He take on a mother’s role. He is an ideal son, affectionate brother and husband as Lord Rama; the best friend, dearest lover and sole refuge as Lord Krishna. But it is only in this lifetime that He dons the role of a loving mother, spending the best part of His mission with and for an exclusive group, His children; His students. No other group in all of creation, in all yugas enjoy this singular blessing. In His compassion, He chooses to go through the entire array of human motherly emotions for His children. Right from apparent apprehension, to glowing pride, He happily takes on every one of them.
In playing this role of a Mother, every year Swami looks forward to the 1st of January; when we, His students, flock to Puttaparthi like fledglings returning home. Just like a mother drops all her chores to gather her child come running to her, Swami stills His other worldly tasks in order to give of Himself completely when we gather at His Lotus Feet on the New Year. Truth be told, the elders and boys interacting with Bhagwan often convey the fact that Swami eagerly anticipates that time of the year when we make our way to His abode of peace, to start the year afresh with Him.
Over the past few years we have seen the kind of joy Bhagwan expresses when He notices the increasing number of alumni who make it to Puttapathi for the alumni meet. Every year the meet turns out to be increasingly special. Even devotees have come to look forward to the event with much eagerness. At the last alumni meet, Swami was unconditionally bountiful in showering all gathered there with His infinite love. In a most unexpected turn of events, Bhagwan Himself took the onus of making arrangements for the meet and directed the elders and boys on how to conduct the same. Be it the exclusive divine discourse in the Poorna Chandra auditorium, the immaculate food arrangements or the chances to sing and perform for Him, Swami went out of His way to express His delight. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, to be there at the alumni meet. By the simple act of being a part of the alumni meet, we were able to make Swami happy, the single most important goal.
In a time when millions all across the globe pray for His grace, and thousands rush to Parthi to seek an audience with Him; the Lord Himself chooses to call upon His students. As Bhagwan often hints subtly; on our own we are nothing but zeros. However, with Him beside us we transform from zeros to heroes. We are but rusty instruments. But when we offer ourselves at His Lotus Feet He readily accepts us, blessing us to be instruments with which He produces His master pieces.
Swami often says that the divine chance is a rare and great gift. It is like a flight ticket. Those who recognise it and make use of it are on board the flight with Him. For those who don’t, the next flight is uncertain. In every yuga, there have been numerous examples of people who have greatly benefited when they have made the wise choice; and of people who didn’t. Be it the brothers Vali and Sugriva or Ravan and Vibhishan of Lord Rama’s time; or Pandavas and Kauravs or Krishna’s time; the ones who made the right use of their divine chance are praised, adored and emulated. While the less fortunate others are scorned at and thought of as fools to have let go of such good fortune. All of these people were blessed with the same divine chance, but only a few made right use of it. In this age too, we His dear ones have been offered this divine chance. However, in His great mercy, our Bhagwan not only provides us with this chance. He also prods us to make the right choice. By declaring the 1st of January as a day for alumni, He doesn’t stop with giving us chances. He rather continues to hold our hands in love, to guide us step by step, on the journey towards Him.
All of mankind would read the chapters of our life with Swami as stories of His unconditional love. Even in these times, we as alumni stand as inspiration to many youngsters striving to win His love and grace. In the face of such absolute and pure love, our lives are metamorphed into sacred leaves of the epic of His story. Every opportunity in our lives as alumni must go to remind us of our good fortune and of the millions who yearn for the same.
It is often said that ‘To whom much is given, much is expected’. Bhagwan does not call upon us to do super human acts. For someone who has filled our lives with so much, all that He looks forward to is seeing us all, His students, in Puttaparthi on the 1st of January every year. We would be fooling ourselves if we think of repaying Him. For what He has provided us with, there is nothing that is worthy enough to give back to Him. The least that we can is to offer our love and gratitude. And perhaps that is all that that matters to Him.
Not many in the history of mankind have this tangible opportunity of pleasing our Lord like we do. When the great Lord of all Universe grants a day exclusively for us, and even awaits us in love and compassion; we have but only one thing to concern ourselves with. And that is, how to be there in Puttaparthi on the 1st of January. We have a choice, a rare one. What we choose will make our lives worth living.
“Anyatha Sharanam Naasthi, Tvameva Sharanam Mama”.