2014 Aaradhana Day Edition

IchcaMatram Prabho Shrisht

Anand Radhakrishnan
Prasanthi Nilayam

I come from a family that was already had two generations of Sai devotees. So Sai Baba was by default God to me. There were numerous pictures of Bhagawan in our house and I grew up listening to Hisstories and miracles. I think the Bhagawan that meant to me the most and the Bhagawan that I relate to today is the Bhagawan that I saw as a student of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. The lines in one of my favourite Bhajans echo my feelings, “… Brahmanda Nayaka, Hey! Sai Sundara…”. The way I have always associated to this line is, He might be the Master of the entire universe, but to me, He is just that sweet little form. This is my perception about Bhagawan – from an Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent God, I saw Him as a loving Master.

I would like to share the account on how He got me into His close fold. It was my life’s dream to join the hallowed portals of Swami’s institute, desire accentuated by all the wonderful things my brother used to share about the hostel and the institute. I had applied for a UG course, cleared the entrance exam, but could not make it to the final list. Needless to say, I was devastated as I had pinned all my hopes on joining the institute and had not applied elsewhere. Moreover, I was also hurt that my Sadhana of attending Nagarsankeerthan and house Bhajans every day during the entire summer vacation had gone in vain. It was a tough phase in my life and eventually I consoled myself that I should resign to His will and enlisted to a B.Sc. course elsewhere. I finished my UG course and was lucky enough to be placed in a premier IT company. Although I was doing well at my job, my mind kept going back to the aspiration of studying in Swami’s institute. I applied for an MBA course, but could not do any justice to the preparation given my official responsibilities. I gave my entrance tests and interviews, but was not very hopeful given that I had not fared that well in the tests nor did I or perform any Sadhana to merit His grace.

However, He willed and it happened – I received an admission call for the MBA course! I had mixed emotions… I was extremely thrilled at my second attempt being successful, but equally worried that there was a tough road ahead as I had to report to the Warden’s office in a week’s time. I was very apprehensive as to whether I would be relieved from my official duties as I was legally bound to serve a minimum of two months of service post resignation. Also, adding salt to my injuries, my uncle had passed away and I was disheartened that I could not be at home to comfort and support my grieving family. I held on to the faith that since He had given me admission, He will show me the way out. I approached the Human Resources department and expressed my concerns, but was regretfully informed that it was nearly impossible to have the relieving formalities completed in a week’s time for me to join the course. I was shattered and crest fallen, when one of my friends suggested that I meet the head of my unit. I did not entertain much of hopes as I have hardly interacted with him in the past and he is a very senior official and I did not think he would come to help someone who had just over a year’s experience in the organization. But then, I decided to meet him and just give it a go. I was summoned into his cabin and I briefed him about my situation. He listened sympathetically to my plight and casually enquired on the institute where I had gained admission. I reluctantly mentioned the words, Sri Sathya Sai Institute, feeling anxious if he would even recognize the institute. Even as I mentioned the words, Sathya Sai, his eyes lit up and he gave me a warm smile and said he was an alumnus of our university! He even mentioned that he had it surmised from the joining date (our academic year begins uniquely on the beginning of June) even before I told him. We chatted for a while about the institute and he kindly explained me about the hostel rules and regulations and advised me to conduct myself well and utilize the opportunities. He shared how he became an all-rounded personality and attributed the change to our institute. Finally, when I brought up the topic of my relieving formalities, he assured me that it will be taken care of. He made a call to the HR department and approved the process for an immediate release f rom all responsibilities. The call lasted for just 2 minutes, the person on the other end only nodding and taking orders. Like a fairy tale ending, I got relieved within a day of submission of my resignation without any hassles. This was the first time any employee in my campus was relieved in such short notice. When the Lord decides to call you, no force in the world can stop you from going. Such is His will. The Vedas declare “Ichcamatram prabhoshrisht” (By His mere wish, the Lord creates the entire universe).

This is just one of the umpteen instances where I felt Bhagawan’s invisible hands guide me in times of trouble. It made me realize that His delays are not His denials and I can understand in hindsight that He might have chose not to give my UG admission as being with family was more important at that time since my income was very critical to my family.

In conclusion, Bhagawan has been the Master of my destiny. Even though He may not be physically present now, I still feel Him control my life and be there as the guiding light helping with all the important decisions I take.

“Anyathasharanam nasty, Twamevasharanam mama;

Tasmat karunya bhavena, Raksha, Raksha Sayeeshwara”

Brother Anand R works for a multinational bank & is based out of Chennai. He is involved in Bal Vikas and Service activities of Samithi