2014 Aaradhana Day Edition

His Only Question

TN Giridhar
1992 Prasanthi Nilayam

We are very fortunate to have come to Bhagawan at a very young age as students of His educational institutions. He has been described as the Poorna Avatar of this Yuga. He is also described as a multi-faceted diamond and it is impossible for probably any of us to really fathom Him. Such is the nature of divinity. But what is our goal in life? Is it to know Him in His fullness or is it to know ourselves? Is it to test Him and investigate Him or is it to recognise who we really are?

Spiritual quest is both interesting and intriguing. It is mostly beyond the realm of the mind, and hence beyond the sensory perception that we normally use as benchmark to measure impact and progress. The transcendental and sublime nature of this pursuit is made harder by the fact that there is no defined path, no step-by-step instruction manual, and worse, no fellow passengers. Each one of us is alone in this journey and that is the reality. But we are alone with Bhagawan, who remains a patient and eternal guide for us.

We have all had, and heard of, numerous illustrations of His Divine love and omnipresence. The challenge for us is to make the resulting feeling of bliss to be everlasting and permanent. As Swami Brahmananda of Sri Ramakrishna Mission said, “The experiences God gives us are only teasers. To make them permanent, we need to do the Sadhana.” Swami has also said on many occasions He will not hand that to us on a platter.

Bhagawan has often used a physical situation to drive home a spiritual point and take us to that higher plane of existence. That is one of the ways He helps us integrate spirituality into daily life. One day in Trayee Brindavan, Swami was talking about exams as a means to progress to the next level and said, “My exam is very simple. I will only ask one question – I will tell you what that question is, I will also tell you the answer.” Like any student who will gladly accept a teacher revealing the question paper, we waited for more. And Swami graciously continued, “The question I ask is: “Who are you?” and the correct answer to that is, “Tat Tvam Asi – I am That.” And to help you remember this, I have made sure this answer is told to you each time you breathe (So Hum).” Now His eyes gleaming, He concluded, “The only thing I will not tell you is when I will ask you that question. If you answer correctly, you have no rebirth.”

Swami has often reminded us that we are not the body, not the mind, not the intellect, but He has also highlighted that these are the instruments we need to reach our goal. And that is the challenge for all of us: how do we use these instruments that are focused outward to reach the goal that is inward?

In this regard, I don’t know if I have been a good student but I know I can’t get a better friend and teacher than Bhagawan Himself! I am forever grateful!

Brother TN Giridhar is based in Mumbai heads a global investment bank. I was in the 1990-92 batch of MBA from Puttaparthy. He was part of the Vedam group at Parthi& has been involved in teaching Vedam when he was based in UK