2014 Aaradhana Day Edition

Lessons for Life

Krishnan Shankar
Prasanthi Nilayam

Life Lesson: 1 Swami connects to your heart

Trayee Session

Let me share a memory from at Trayee Brindavan. As you all know Trayee sessions were so exciting that we would look forward to them each day. Swami would tease & joke and we would have impromptu talks. We would all assemble outside, and on Swami’s signal, we would rush inside the Trayee hall and grab the best seat possible near Swami’s chair. On one occasion I got a place under Swami’s foot pedestal. Swami came and we all made way for Him to sit on His chair. I placed both my hands under His feet. Swami looked around and then instructed the Warden that he wanted only current students should remain seated and told the rest to wait outside. At that time, I had finished my graduation and was an old student. I had tears in my eye, I prayed, “Swami please don’t take away my chance to do Padaseva”. I was anxious as the Warden and other lecturers knew I was an old student. If I moved, I would be disturbing Swami. I was not sure what to do. I slowly raised my eyes; Swami saw my dilemma and signalled me to stay put while others left. Those precious moments are still vivid and show how Swami fulfils a small prayer.

Our Swami connects to millions of people and understands the inner most desires of the heart. Each person has a unique connection with our Beloved Bhagawan.

Life Lesson 2: Swami’s devotees are not spared from pain; His Love ensures there is no Suffering

I had lost my parents and had to face several family tragedies. Swami has trained us that tragedies and suffering are part and parcel of our life. Every single mishap strengthened my resolve. I understood that friends come and go, but God always waits in your heart for you. We can feel God’s presence when we feel peace and contentment.

I have learnt with humility that Swami touches our lives every day through people and situations. I have experienced His love and guidance through total strangers. Every rough patch, every scar, every poignant cry into an empty sky, every harsh loss, is when Swami shows us He is the only one with a comforting word, a gentle pat, an avenue of strength, a solution that we couldn’t have dreamed. Swami’s manifestations in disguise are evocative of His boundless love and constant concern.

His enveloping presence in our lives spurs us on to greater efforts, to love and serve in our own little ways. Swami is the air we breathe, our inspiration, our white light in the darkness. Swami is everything to us. I remain inspired by these words of Bhagawan Baba, “Love seeks no reward. Love is its own reward”.