2020 95th Birthday Special Edition

Omnipresent and Omniscient Sai

R. Gopichandran

My mother and grandmother were at Prasanthi Nilayam in July 1983. My grandmother was visiting for the first time. During the evening darshan I informed Swami. He graciously granted them the blessing of darshan, sparshan and sambhashan through an interview.

During the interview Swami mentioned to my grandmother that the ‘old man’ at our home in Chennai was deeply devoted and attached to Him, but did not speak with others about it. By ‘old man’ Swami had meant my grandfather. Swami then went on to describe how my grandfather would recline in the easy chair at the entrance to the house. He even mentioned the peculiar way my grandmother served curd during our meals at home. She had the unique habit of picking the thick curd with her fingers and serving it instead of using a spoon. We were thrilled to hear him describe these minute aspects of our everyday life. We were grateful for His omnipresence in our lives.

My parents were active members in the Samithi. My grandparents supported their activities enthusiastically. It appeared that Bhagawan had rewarded my parents and grandparents with a glimpse of His divinity by revealing these small but unique facts of our home. A few years later, when my grandfather passed away, I informed Swami through a teacher. Bhagawan sent me a message for my dad saying that He was aware of my grandfather’s demise and that he had reached Him. I carried Vibuthi Prasadam to the family with His message.

During my stay in Swami’s college, I experienced His omniscience. The year was 1986. Bhagawan decided to inaugurate the mandir at Kodaikanal. He took a few of us with Him that summer to Kodaikanal. One evening, before Bhagawan went amidst the devotees to grant darshan, He walked up to me and told me that a dignitary would be visiting us that evening. He added that the guest would like to listen to the students speak on topics of his choice.

As I was lost in the bliss of this interaction, Swami told me to be ready to give a speech. Having said so, He further enquired if I was after all ready to speak on environmental issues. I told Swami that with His will I will be able to do so. Then, Swami left for darshan and returned to the bungalow and we settled down around Him.

In a short while the guest arrived as Swami had mentioned. It was Dr. C. Subramanium, one of the architects of the Indian Green Revolution. Swami turned to him and asked if he wanted anything special for the evening. To everyone’s surprise, Dr. C. Subramanium said he wanted to listen to the students speak. Hearing his request Swami offered that the students would speak on any topic of Dr. Subramanium’s choice – this was new twist in the drama. Dr. Subramanium gladly agreed and then mentioned he wanted to understand the emerging trends in the management of global environmental challenges.

I was eagerly witnessing Swami’s omniscience when He looked in my direction and beckoned me to speak. I was thrilled. The topic was my area of doctoral research. I jumped to grab this wonderful opportunity. I spoke for nearly an hour. At the end of my talk I noticed that Swami was delighted. Dr. Subramanium was extremely happy as well. Bhagawan remarked on the speed of delivery and the emphasis of points in my talk. He asked Dr. Subramanium about the quality of the talk; further remarking that it was like pouring rain that silenced everything else around and that no one realized how an hour had passed by. He allowed me to touch His feet in gratitude. I clasped His feet in delight.

Bhagawan subsequently travelled to Chennai soon after the Kodaikanal trip. He saw my father there and spoke to him about my speech. Bhagawan was very happy with my speech. When I look back at this experience, I realize it was Swami who created the experience. He prepared me for the speech and ensured that the topic was my area of research. In the end He took great delight in my speech and granted the joy to my dad as well. I remain grateful to Him for such wonderful memories.

R. Gopichandran, BSc in Brindavan, MSc in Biosciences and PhD at Prasanthi Nilayam (belonged to the first batch of PhD students from Swami’s college in 1988). Currently professor in the NTPC School of Business dealing with Environment & Sustainability. He belonged to the first batch of Bal Vikas and Pre-Sevadal.