Dear Nanjundaiah,
Accept my Blessings. The best method of spreading vedanta philosophy is to live it. There is no other royal road.
Live in GOD. All is right. Make others live in God. All shall be well. Believe this truth you will be saved.
In the lowest worm as well as in the highest human being the same divine nature is present. The worm is the lower form in which the divinity has been most over shadowed by Maya; that is the highest form in which it has been least overshadowed. Behind everything the same divinity is existing and out of this comes the basis of morality.
Assert your GOD head. Fling into utter oblivion the little bubble bursts. It finds itself the whole ocean. You are the whole, the infinite, the All.
You are Divinity itself. The holy of holies. The world is no world. You are the All in All, the supreme power which no words can describe. No body or mind. You are the pure“I am”that you are. Heaven is within you. Seek happiness not in the object of senses. Realise happiness is within yourself.
With Blessings,
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
24 – 4 – 74
A note on the letter written by Swami to Shri Nanjundaiah:
On 24, April 1974, Swami visited our home in Bangalore in response to a simple prayer of my seven year old daughter during an interview earlier. After the visit, as He was boarding His car Swami asked for a white sheet of paper for giving me a “nice message”. The result was this letter, which Swami handed over to me in Brindavan. Before that, Swami asked Prof. Sundar Rao, retired principal M.G.M. College, to read it aloud for Brindavan hostel students. Prof Rao was overwhelmed by the profound message and Swami’s beautiful command over language, and told Swami, “It should be printed in letters of gold and on art paper”. Swami replied: “not on art paper, but on heart paper”. The message is meant not merely to be appreciated, but also to be practiced. Every word is a mantra and the message as a whole is an upanishad.
With best wishes,