His Work

e-Conference on Economic Resurgence with Human Values, DMC, SSSIHL

The Department of Management and Commerce of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) organised an e-Conference on 4th and 5th of December 2020, on the theme “e-Conference on Economic Resurgence with Human Values”.

The topics focussed on were:

  • Will the Business World ensuing the pandemic be different?
  • Do we need novel and noble ways to overcome the current crisis?
  • Is there an exigency to adopt these with more rigour?
  • Should we rely on our core values?
  • Which are the human values businesses can embrace?
  • How do we practice them emphatically to reach the targets purposefully?

Students were fortunate to have insights from eminent persons working at Nissan, Infosys, Warburg Pincus, Westpac group, Tier 1 Network, Opus, IBM, and KPMG.

Among the line-up of corporate thought leaders for the conference were four SSSIHL alumni brothers. It gives immense joy that Bhagawan’s students have blossomed to the top rungs of corporates and now contributing back to the alma-mater.

Ramesh Narasimhan, Alumnus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (1986 – 88), President of Nissan, Thailand

He spoke on the topic “Human Values Everyday – Driving Business Forward”, emphasizing on the following three rules:
1. Honesty is the only policy
2. Kindness in the business environment is absolutely crucial
3. Failure is actually good, we learn from it

“When education degenerates, all social, economic and political activities start rotting. True education is that which destroys narrow mindedness, develops equality and ultimately leads to world peace.”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Bhaskar Katta, Class VIII to MBA, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (1983 – 93), Head of Digital Operations (Transformation), Westpac Group

He spoke on “Increasing Role of Purpose in Corporations – My Experience in Banking Industry”, explaining businesses are integral part of society and not for merely creating profits for the shareholders. Consistently long-running businesses go way beyond profit maximization and serve a purpose greater than their own self-interest, acting with conscious awareness, interests of the society.

“Love in Words is Truth (Satya)
Love in Action is Righteousness (Dharma)
Love in Thinking is Peace (Shanti)
Love in Discrimination is Non-violence (Ahimsa)
Love is the undercurrent of all the Human Values”

– Sri Sathya Sai Baba

T M Praveen, BSc (Physics), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (1992 – 95), CEO, Opus, Atlanta, USA

He spoke on the topic “The Future of Fintech”, providing an overall view of global fintech market, India’s transformation to digital economy and various digital monetary platforms. Gaps and potentials for growth in the fintech ventures were also explained. He also explained fintech opportunities in US markets as well.

“Service should proceed from awareness of what one owes to the society”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Venkateshwaran, Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School (1983 – 90), Partner & Head, CFO Advisory, KPMG

He spoke on the topic “Purpose Beyond Profits-The Role of Values in Business”, reflecting on how the value-based business is the necessity during the COVID pandemic. He took us through the various frauds business houses have committed such as Enron, Satyam, IL&FS, PNB etc despite India having laws and checks in place. It emphasizes the role of the Corporate Directors to drive down values into the Corporate culture, quoting Mervyn King “Corporate governance is intellectual honesty and not just sticking to rules and regulations”. He gave examples of various corporations that walk the talk such as Unilever and TATA group, leading by example with individual behaviours.

“The artificial integration of different sets of values may result in the erosion of values of a less developed country, which naively imitates or copies the management practices of another country”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Below are the videos of the conference: