2020 95th Birthday Special Edition

“Make Bharat Proud”

Haresh Mirpuri

“Make Bharat Proud,” said Swami.

Those words have been ringing in my ears since 1995. I got the opportunity to study in Ooty, Puttaparthi and Whitefield from 1980 until I completed my MBA in 1993. There were many special moments during my stay and many moments when I had to experience days of yearning to get that one beautiful smile from Swami. Life as a student was one where we participated in as many activities as we could, to get more opportunities with our Swami.

Swami blessed me to join my father’s business in 1993 after my MBA. But in 1995, I was fortunate that He asked me to be in Bangalore to help take care of the project that my father had started in India. I was even more fortunate that Swami helped me to understand the process involved to ensure the success of starting a new capital-intensive project. Swami would come to Whitefield and since the project was close to Swami’s ashram, He would drive by our site and ask me about its progress. If there were areas where I would falter, Swami would caution me about the same. I must mention that when we were to start the construction, Swami had asked me, “How much time are you going to take?”. I had replied, “Swami, our architects and consultants have projected 18 to 24 months.” Swami then said, “Are you a Sai student? Swami’s projects never take more than nine months.” My master had given me the timeline to achieve. The important thing is not the fact that we did it in nine months, but the important lessons learnt which are as follows.

(A) Swami wanted us to always  remember that as students we are all an institution of His and the lessons that we learnt must be carried forward and not forgotten.

(B) Swami taught us the importance of capital management. As with His other projects, once you sow the capital, it has to start working for you. Hence, you have to ensure that you always deal with the best, so that you start at the earliest. The best team will always optimise the investment you make. Delays in projects are far costlier than anything else. Hence, Swami is our Param Guru in both the spiritual path as well as in the secular world.

Swami also said to me one thing that is etched in my heart. He said, “Whatever you do outside of India, make the name of Bharat proud.” Those words ring in my ear every single day. After my B.Com, I was inspired to join the Indian Army and I asked Swami’s permission. Swami insisted that I first do my MBA. But by saying so, he converted my business to that of service to the country. In a way, this made me a soldier too.

“When everything is available within Bharat, why go begging to other countries? Everything has originated from Bharat. Hence, having taken birth in Bharat, strive to promote the glory of Bharat. Every devotee should take a pledge to protect and promote the greatness of Bharat. Like an elephant that does not know its own strength, Bharatiyas are unaware of their power. Despite their myriad capacities, they are behaving as weaklings, like an elephant before its mahout. You have to get rid of this weakness. Strive to make Bharat strong and happy so that it may not be dependent on other countries, or become vulnerable. She was once the guru of humanity; let her assume that role again. Lead your life in such a manner that you are respected and revered as a child of Bharat, a life that will be an example and inspiration for all.”

(Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol XXIII, Chapter 34) Each one of us has a role to perform. Swami will give that guidance, I am sure. I now live every day to see that everything that I do, through my business and like a true soldier, I make Bharat proud. Serving Swami is not just proclaiming Him as our God. He is God whether we proclaim it or not. He is untouched by our claims of doing things ‘for Swami’. Swami does not need us to do His things. He is our director and we must feel fortunate to have been given our role; Make Bharat proud. I am aware that this is a tough road. But then, for a soldier, loving his mother can’t be a tough journey.

Harish Mirpuri Grade 4 to B.Com, MBA in Bhagawan’s institutions at Ooty, Brindavan, Prasanthi Nilayam, 1980 – 1993. Currently Founder and Creative Director of Aranyani Lifestyles, promoting the power and skills of Indian artisans using heritage techniques to suit contemporary aesthetics.