Saurabh Rishi
During my primary school days, I grew up in His fragrance. Even before I joined the Primary School, Swami had blessed my family with interactions and asked my parents to admit me in His school. It’s amazing to think that we were introduced to spiritual practice so early in life, which has helped us handle almost any situation we face in our daily lives. I was once sitting in the Mandir, thinking if actually Namasmarana, or chanting God’s name, works and if it has the efficacy our teachers claimed it had. I said to myself, ‘let me chant Sairam continuously and see if Swami acknowledges’. I started chanting and suddenly, after some time, there was a hush around as Swami walked out of the interview room. He came towards me and started interacting with me.
During my stay in primary school, I was suffering from a peculiar ailment in my nervous system. One of my classmates informed this to Swami. Swami assured him that He will take care of me. Subsequently, while playing around I found a stone which was in the shape of a lingam. It somehow attracted my attention as a child and I took it to Mandir for Swami to bless. I got this ‘Lingam’ blessed by Swami and was advised by my family and teachers to pray to this Lingam and take its Abhishekam water. Slowly my condition started improving and the ailment that doctors couldn’t cure left without any trace.
Family Deity
Swami had become the centre of our lives guarding and protecting my family. My father is in the Merchant Navy and spends long periods on the seas. Once, while sailing, he was faced with very rough and stormy weather. His ship was being hit by large waves and it tilted about fifty degrees vertically. One engine stopped working. The entire crew had a sinking feeling that this may be their last journey. All of them started praying. Everything around was falling over but interestingly, when he went to take Vibhuti, Swami’s picture on his work desk stood firm as if it was in a calm sea. My father suddenly felt he heard Swami’s voice. The voice guided him to maneuver the ship against the tides. This can be very risky in such a situation. But there was no other alternative. My father followed Swami’s command. A huge wave hit the ship as it took a big lunge and the jerk ensured some of the cargo fell into the sea. The ship suddenly became lighter and regained its balance. It was able to make it safely ashore. Swami had protected my father.
To express my gratitude to Him, I narrated this incident in His presence in Trayee during our class interview. Swami started recalling and speaking about the incident as it happened. I could only narrate the incident in third person, while Swami started narrating it in the first person because He was present in that ship on that day.
Who am I?
While over the years, our family was blessed with many interactions with Swami, one small conversation has always stayed in my mind. Once, I was sitting in the Veranda. Swami approached me and said ‘Who are you?’ The question came without any background and I was not able to get the context. I was not sure if I should give a philosophical response. So I kept still and fixed my gaze on Him. After moments of silence, Swami said ‘You are Mine!’ This little conversation has always remained in my heart and guided me through all these years. We belong to Him and He continues to guide our lives.
Saurabh Rishi Grade 1 to MBA in Bhagawan’s institutions at Prasanthi Nilayam, 1989 – 2006. He received a gold medal in Economics from Swami during his graduation in 2004. Currently, he serves in the analytics team of Niti Aayog, Govt of India and is based in New Delhi.