Sai Shiva
When asked by Saint Narada, “Oh Lord, where do You reside?”, Lord Vishnu beautifully explains to the saint,
“naham tishtami vaikunthey, yoginaam hrdayesu va,
mad-bhaktah yatra gayante, tatra tishthami narada”
The Lord resides where the devotees sing from the heart. As a kid of the Sri Sathya Sai Primary School, the royal procession during major festivals through which Bhagawan would be ushered into the august gathering at Prasanthi Nilayam always left me in awe. I always wanted to be part of the Band that led it. What an opportunity to witness the Lord in all His grandeur and be the first ones to have His Darshan? Even Jaya and Vijaya would want to be a part of this Band.
It so happened that in my Class 7, in the year 2003, I got an opportunity to get into the Primary School Band – my last chance to be a part of the group. I prayed fervently to clear the auditions. Everything went well. I was selected and our first practice session was scheduled the next day. As I was heading out for practice, the headmistress asked me where I was going. I said with pride in my heart, “Aunty, I got selected for the Band!”. She said I was dropped because I was too tall for a primary school kid. I was devastated and cried the whole day.
Five years passed. It was 2009 and I was in the Brindavan campus, which did not have a Band group. However, sometime in August, we heard rumours that the Band might be started for this campus – and soon it turned into a reality. I got selected and was to play the Trombone. I and my brothers practised, learnt Western notes, toiled in the time that we had and finally came to a ‘playing shape’. We were not perfect, but we all wanted to please Swami.
Every student in the University becomes a part of a group during Sports Meet with the single objective of seeing a smile on the Lord’s face. We were no different and worked harder because this was the first time that the Brindavan campus had a Band. On reaching Parthi, one of the days as we were practising, we heard that Swami was coming to the Indoor Stadium the next day and that we would have to perform. I had a secret desire of wanting just my instrument to be heard by Bhagawan, and sure enough, He answered my prayers. We played a Bhajan, for which the Trombones were to give the introduction, just holding whole notes.
However, I was afraid we would blare and put Swami off. I sincerely prayed to Swami, dedicating the piece to Him in my heart. As the count by the leader began, my heart started racing, 1..2…3…4.. and there, the whole nice beautiful sound emanated from the Trombone. I was ecstatic, even while I continued to play and the short piece which we had practised for over hree months ended. I was in inexplicable bliss. I did it! I played for the Lord, finding a sense of achievement.
As the piece ended, the Registrar knelt up to tell Swami that we were part of the Brindavan Campus. He brushed him off saying “Naku Telusu, Naku Telusu” meaning He knows. He was listening to us all along. He was the one guiding us from inside, playing through us.
A week later, I was dressed in the Band uniform, just as I had pined for as a kid in the primary school, ready to lead the Lord in a procession to the Mandir. There He emerged, the Lord, compassionate, loving, and merciful Lord. My heart leapt in joy as the procession ended. The day’s proceedings were over and we led the Lord back in procession to the Yajur Mandir. The moment we reached His residence, we lined up and Swami was getting into the adjacent building to see the prizes for the distribution ceremony next day. Evaluation Time! He saw us from a distance and started saying “Chala baga play chesaru. Music anta kuda lopala nunchi vacchindi. Chala santosham”. (You all played very well, the music emanated from inside and I am very happy.)
My life found its purpose. Can there be anything greater than pleasing the Lord? Every saint worth his name performed penances to hear those words. We were able to reach Him and please Him through music. He kept His word, “Where His name is sung, there He is”.
In hindsight, He played out this entire thing. He was the one who planned. He was the one who sent the lecturer-in-charge of the band. He was the one who guided us within. He was the one who played through us. All I can say is: Oh Lord, take my everything and let me be an instrument of Thee!
Sai Shiva Sri Sathya Sai Primary School in class 1 upto MFM from the Brindavan Campus in (1997 – 2014). He was part of Nadhaswaram during High School days and the Brass Band in Brindavan Campus. Currently a Senior Research Analyst with a financial services firm.