2020 95th Birthday Special Edition

Mother, Father, Guru & God

Anupam Chatterjee

In early 1988, just prior to my semester-end exams, Swami agreed to give interviews to the final year students.  We felt even more excited when we learnt it was a first-of-its-kind event.

Today, children of the age of 21-22 years are more matured than I was at that time.  I was unaware of what happens in an interview. and I wondered what I should say or ask Swami.

On the big day, we, a small group of students, went inside.  After an initial talk, we went into the interview room three students at a time. I, along with my classmate, Hari Krishnan had the opportunity to take individual photographs of the students with Swami. Inside the interview room, Swami was enquiring about the future plans. Eventually, my turn came.  Swami asked me what I wanted to do.

I was still unclear in my mind. But, just a year earlier, in 1987, my father who was working for the central government applied for pre-mature retirement and got relieved in mid-August.  He was a doctor and he was setting up his private practice.  I was concerned that I should not be a burden to him and instead be able to help him in my own small way.

When Swami asked, I could only mention about my father’s retirement and sought Swami’s blessings to be able to assist him, in whatever way possible. Swami nodded in His own inimitable style and gave His blessings. I completed my semester-end exam, went back to Delhi, joined NIIT and by mid-1989 I had landed a job. That was 32 years ago, and Swami’s blessings ensured that I never had to be away from my parents for too long.

Years later, I got a job in Chennai and subsequently, was transferred to Pune. But within 6 months of leaving, I was transferred back to Delhi – enabling me to take care of my parents.  There were discussions about relocating abroad – but all fizzled away and I continued to work from Delhi/NCR. Most people, with profiles like mine, were working from Bangalore or Hyderabad. But, I could continue to work out of Gurgaon, staying in Delhi within an hour’s drive to my parents.

With time, my parents got gripped by old-age health issues. My father had been a heart patient, since the mid-1970s. With old age, further challenges crept in. My mother developed osteoporosis and other medical challenges, that confined her to bed. By Swami’s Grace, I was able to reach my parents not only during the times of need but also at other times, just to be there with them. For example, on the 4th Saturday, every month, Bhajans were held in my parent’s home and we would all assemble there.

About seven or eight years back, my father had a severe heart problem. He had to undergo a Bye-Pass surgery and was in the ICU for about 22 days.  Remembering Swami and listening to Sai Bhajans, I would reach the hospital every morning, wait at the lobby and visit him during the designated visiting hours. Eventually, by Swami’s Grace, he recovered.

Last few years were tougher – whenever my father was unwell and needed hospitalisation, my mother would also develop some issues and would have to be hospitalised.  Whenever we went out of the city, we would return home with the news that one of them was admitted to the hospital – and would rush to the hospital, no sooner we landed in Delhi.

All this while, that one statement remained in my mind “I want to help my parents.

Beginning November 2019, within 6 months, both my parents merged at His Lotus Feet.  It was a tough time and I felt Swami’s presence all the while, helping me to cope up with these losses.  I felt grateful to Swami for His grace that I could be of help – whatever little it may have been – to my parents.  I could be physically present beside them in their times of need, until their last breath.

Swami has stressed that parents are God and need to be served and respected, that they are one’s first Guru, life-giver.  I cannot judge if I have been able to live up to the need – but Swami’s grace has been immense in my being able to support them in the capacity that I could. Swami’s blessings during the Interview in 1988 saw me through all these. One only needs to keep the faith and belief.

“If you honour your mother, the Mother of the universe will guard you against harm.
If you honour your father, the Father of all Beings will guard you.
Love expands; it does not limit itself to boundaries.
If you honour your parents, your children will honour you.”
– Sathya Sai Baba

Anupam Chatterjee B. Com, 1985 – 1988, Brindavan. Currently Customer Support Escalation Manager in Oracle India based in New Delhi. He contributed to Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini during initial phases. A member of Spiritual Wing and Central Singers’ Group in SSSSO, Delhi/NCR. He assists the Spiritual Team in Digital initiatives.