In Memoriam

मम सर्वश्रेष्ठ आचार्यस्य स्मृतिपथं

G Manoj,
2005-2008, Brindavan

एकमप्यक्षरं यस्तु गुरुः शिष्ये निवेदयेत् ।
पृथिव्यां नास्ति तद्द्रव्यं यद्दत्वा ह्यनृणी भवेत् ॥

गणितशास्त्रे निपुणः । अध्यापने कुशलः । यन्त्रं पुस्तकं च विना पाठयति । परिगणने उत्तम: आसीत् l
अति त्वरितरम्, विना गुणकः विना प्रयत्नेन अभिहति उत्तराणि ददाति स्म I

सामाजिक व्यवहारे पण्डितः । अल्परूप्यकेभ्यः उन्नतानि अधिकवस्तूनि क्रीणाति स्म । कुतः कानि पदार्थानि प्राप्तव्यानि इति सम्यक् जानाति स्म । ग्रन्थालयाय पुस्तकानि, क्रीडार्थं क्रीडनकानि, वितरणार्थम् वस्त्राणि,
पाठनार्थं आधुनिकयन्त्राणि क्रेतुं सर्वे तमेव पृच्छन्ति स्म। तस्य सहाय्यं एव स्वीकुर्वन्ति स्म । धनस्य मूल्यं सम्यक् जानाति स्म।

उत्तीर्णः छात्रः चेदपि स्वामिनः सेवां एव तस्य लक्ष्यम् आसीत् । यद्यपि सुवर्णपदकं प्राप्तवान् तथापि विनयेन आचरति । स्वामिनः सान्निध्यतः कदापि दूरं गन्तुं सिद्धः नासीत् । विद्याभ्यासात् पश्चात् अध्यापकस्य पात्रम् अङ्गीकृतवान् ।

विना विवाहेन छात्रवासे छात्राणां मध्ये निवसति स्म । छात्राणां कृते सः पिता-सहोदर-मार्गदर्शक-मित्रसदृशः आसीत्। आचारं विना प्रचारं न करोति स्म । दृढः अनुशासकः चेदपि तस्य मृदुहृदयं आसीत् ।

अन्तेवासिनाम् सामर्थ्यमभिवृद्ध्यर्थम् प्रोत्साहं कुर्वन् विविधकार्यक्रमाणि आचरति स्म । सभायां भाषणानि, क्रीडावार्षिकोत्सवे सांस्कृतिकप्रदर्शनानि, आन्तर्जाले लेखनानि च इत्यादि तस्य प्रियछात्राः कुर्वन्ति स्म ।

आचार्यस्य नाम रुचिर् देसायि । महोदयस्य माता ९१ वयस्का । तस्याः एकैकपुत्रः रुचिर् देसायि महोदयः ।

अहमपि महोदयस्य छात्र: अस्मि । एतत् खलु मम सौभाग्यम् ।

वयं सर्वे कृतार्थl: यद् एतन्महोत्तमस्य प्रणीतिः अस्माकं लभितं । तस्य सत्शीलेषु एकमात्रमपि यदि वयम् आचरेम , धन्याः एव भवेम ।

महाजनस्य सम्पर्कः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः ।
पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् ॥

“In Memory of my Esteemed Teacher”

If a Guru has taught a person, even a single word; there is no worldly treasure that is valuable enough to repay that immense debt.

He was a number wizard. He was a highly skilled teacher. He would walk into the classroom and teach without any aids like a book or a calculator. He was a genius in numericals; without using a calculator, he would with least effort, casually, give out answers to even complex math calculations.
He was an expert in societal dealings. He managed the general stores of the college and was very knowledgeable about getting quality items for the least price. He was the ‘go to’ man for all purchases, be they books for the library, academic tools or gadgets, sports equipment or even clothing. He was very conscious about the value of money.
Being an outstanding academic topper, he had only one goal – serving Swami. Having been a two time gold medallist, he was very humble in his demeanour. He was not willing to move away from the proximity of Swami. (He turned down offers from IIMs). After his education he accepted the role of a teacher as directed by Swami.
A bachelor for life, he stayed in the students’ hostel, with the boys. For the students he was a fatherly figure, an elderly brother, a guide and a friend – all put together. He never spoke what he did not practice. He was a very strict disciplinarian; yet he had a very gentle nature.
He would organise myriad programs, motivating the students to develop their capabilities. He would encourage his dear students to give talks, make sports and cultural presentations, write articles offline and online, among many other things.
The teacher is Sri. Ruchir Desai – the only son of his mother of 91 years.
I have been very fortunate to be his student.
We all are grateful that we could in our lifetime receive the guidance of such a great soul. We would for sure be blessed if we follow in his footsteps and adopt in our lives even one among his countless virtues.

The association with a great soul touches and elevates everyone’s life.
A water droplet on a lotus leaf always shines like a pearl.