Sai Kishore Nidamarthy
1996 Brindavan
I have been visiting Swami at Parthi ever since I was born. As far as I remember, I always wanted to study in Swami’s institutions because that would enable me to escape the long queues and put me straight in the coveted veranda near my Lord! Usually, people aspire to become engineers or doctors. But here I was, trying to join any course in Swami’s college because that would give me His proximity. And so I tried in Class 1, but did not get through the admission process. I tried again in Class VII and in Class XI, without success. I finally succeeded in securing admission into B.Com (Hons.) at Brindavan in 1993.
Like with many others, the first impact Swami made on me was profound. I can’t exactly describe it in words, but my mind started to recede, and hitherto unknown dimensions in me started to open up. I was slowly, but surely, getting initiated into the process of what Swami calls, ‘Turning the key towards God’. Swami assures us that this does not mean we renounce the world, but simply that we focus on spiritual progress and the material aspect would follow suit. He gives the classic example of the man climbing the tree with his shadow following him.
He said, “Aspire to be Good, not Great”. This struck an instant chord in me. How true is this! In our most intense moments, we remember our parents, our teachers or someone who was very good to us, not necessarily a great legend in some field. This message got imprinted in my heart as a guiding principle of my life. I advocate it to others as well. This also explains the tears in my eyes as I write this article about our beloved Bhagawan – He is Sivam – embodiment of Goodness! There is no better example of this statement than our Swami who has been most benevolent and merciful to me, bearing with my follies and moulding me patiently into whatever I am today.
He has directed us to “Sing God’s glory incessantly” as this is the way to God. We had weekly Bhajans at our house since my childhood, but I did not consider myself a ‘singer’ ever. I never expected that I would stand a chance one day to actually sing in front of Him. But that did happen in my first year of graduation at Brindavan. Swami personally conducted auditions in one of the Trayee sessions, and I secured His Divine nod to sing regularly in front of Him! Imagine the Gana Lola himself initiating you into music. That little encouragement was enough to ignite a powerful orientation in me towards music, particularly Bhajan singing. Thank you, Swami, for this most precious gift. I find Bhajans to be the single-most powerful tool in my hands to keep me steady and to ensure progress on the path shown by Him.
He exhorted us to “Aspire for Bhagawad Anugraham (Grace of God)”. I never understood it fully while I was with Him but learnt it post my college days as I went through tribulations in my life. I have had situations where I may have fallen short in ‘letting go’ and seeking His intervention, but His guiding hand was always there, whether I sought it or not.
Brother Sai Kishore Nidamarthy works for a multinational bank in Hyderabad. A singer during His student days, he continues to be associated with Bhajan singing in Shivam, Hyderabad