2011 Maha Samadhi Edition
The Mahasamadhi of our most beloved Bhagawan has made an indelible, life changing transformation in all our lives. It is the moment to see beyond the physical frame of the Avatar. It is the moment to see the grandeur of His mission. We, as alumni, have been singularly blessed to have ‘experienced’ proximity with His physical presence. During such times, we often tend to ‘overlook’ His true identity. But that is only human. In His infinite mercy and grace the Supreme Lord every now and then revealed to us fleeting glimpses of His true nature. Were we ready?
Here are excerpts from three of Bhagawan’s early divine discourses. Let us read them and meditate on the Sarvanthara Vyapi, the Antar Vyapi, our beloved Bhagawan.
Bhagawan’s Discourse during His 43rd Birthday (23rd November 1968)
“Every step in the career of the Avathar is predetermined. Your worldly intelligence cannot fathom the ways of God. He cannot be recognized by mere cleverness of intelligence. You may benefit from God, but you cannot explain Him. Your explanations are merely guesses, attempts to cloak your ignorance in pompous expressions. Bring something into your daily practice as evidence of your having known the secret of the higher life from Me. Show that you have greater brotherliness. Speak with more sweetness and self-control. Bear defeat as well as victory with calm resignation.”
“…This body has come through the Lord’s resolve to come. That resolve is intended to uphold Truth (Sathya). The divine resolve is always true resolve. Remember there is nothing that divine power cannot accomplish. It can transmute earth into sky and sky into earth. To doubt this is to prove that you are too weak to grasp great things, the grandeur of the universe.”
“I have come to instruct all in the essence of the Vedas, to shower on all this precious gift, to protect the ancient wisdom (Sanathana Dharma) and (to) preserve it. My mission is to spread happiness, so I am always ready to come among you not once, but twice or thrice – as often as you want me. Many of you probably think that since people from all parts of India, and even foreign countries, come to Puttaparthi they must be pouring their contributions into the coffers of the Nilayam. But let me declare the Truth. I do not take anything from anyone except their love and devotion. This has been My consistent practice for the last many years. People who come here are giving Me just the wealth of faith, devotion, and love. That is all.”
“Cultivate nearness with Me in the heart and it will be rewarded. Then you too will acquire a fraction of that Supreme Love. This is a great chance. Be confident that you will all be liberated. Know that you are saved. Many hesitate to believe that things will improve, that life will be happy for all and full of joy, and that the Golden Age will recur. Let Me assure you that this Divine Body (Dharma Swarupa) has not come in vain. It will succeed in averting the crisis that has come upon humanity.”
The Revelation (17th May, 1968) (Sathya Sai Speaks VI, pg:210-213)
“This is a human form in which every divine entity, every divine principle, that is to say, all the names and forms ascribed by man to God, are manifest. Do not allow doubt to distract you; if you only install, in the altar of your heart, steady faith in My Divinity, you can win a vision of My Reality. Instead, if you swing like the pendulum of a clock, one moment devotion, another moment disbelief, you can never succeed in comprehending the truth and win that bliss. You are very fortunate that you have a chance to experience the bliss of the vision of the Sarvadaivathwa Swaroopam now, in this life itself.”
“Let Me draw your attention to another fact. On previous occasions when God incarnated on earth, the bliss of recognizing Him in the incarnation was vouchsafed only after the physical embodiment had left the world, in spite of plenty of evidence of His grace. And the loyalty and devotion They commanded from men arose through fear and awe at Their superhuman powers and skills or at Their imperial and penal authority. But ponder a moment on this Sathya Sai manifestation – in this age of rampant materialism, aggressive disbelief and irreverence, what is it that brings to it the adoration of millions from all over the world? You will be convinced that the basic reason for this is the supra-worldly Divinity in human form.”
Chitravathi River (23rd February 1958) (Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol I)
“You have not realized yet the secret of this Advent… There is no use arguing and quarrelling among yourselves; examine and experience; then you will know the truth. Do not proclaim before you are convinced; be silent while you are still undecided or engaged in evaluating. Of course, you must discard all evil in you before you can attempt to evaluate the mystery. And, when faith dawns, fence it around with discipline and self-control, so that the tender shoot might be guarded against the goats and cattle, the motley crowd of cynics and unbelievers. When your faith grows into a big tree, those very cattle can lie down in the shade that it will spread…”