2014 Aaradhana Day Edition

Emulating the Lord

Ganesh Seshadri
2004 Prasanthi Nilayam

In the presence of the Avaatar, one feels immersed in the aura of Love. His presence gives you an experience that words cannot describe and intellect cannot explain. However, at the physical level too there were many traits & habits that one could learn from Swami. What do devotees see when they see Swami? They see a well-dressed person who is very well groomed, clean shaven, wearing a neatly ironed robe, who walks among the crowd with a gait worth emulating, showering joy and happiness on all who have His Darshan.

What do devotees see when they see the students of Swami always occupying the front positions on all occasions and always enjoying His close proximity? Devotees see Swami in all alumni and students; we are given the special status not because of who we are, but because of whom we are associated with.

Let me highlight a few aspects of Swami which have had an impact on my life.

External grooming: I have always tried to be well groomed and clean shaven just like Swami, emulating this simple trait of Swami makes you feel refreshed, confident & happy.

Politeness in conversation: Have you ever heard Swami speak loudly? Never! Most of His conversation is either in unspoken words or in whispers. Even when He speaks, is He not always polite? Can we also not imbibe this feature in our conversation?

Contentment in life: Swami is a person full of bliss, smiling at all times. However large a project He would be handling, you would never see any stress on Him. It would just be a content look, a feeling that He is present here & now, unconcerned about future. When we revere a person like Him, we automatically get contentment in life.

Assurance that He is always with me: I have heard Swami say repeatedly on many occasions that He is always with every student. Do we need any other assurance from anyone else? Just connect to Him & your miseries no longer trouble you. What does one need to do to establish connection with Swami? The answer is very simple, write a letter to Him and He is always ready to receive them. This letter writing habit is a soul satisfying experience. One would also be relieved of all sorrow and grief once the matter is written in the form of a letter to Swami.

Confidence: If someone is short of confidence, all that the person has to do is to remember Swami. Immediately His form will deliver the necessary confidence required. Swami has accomplished mammoth tasks like the Super Specialty hospitals, water projects, etc. Just a thought about these tasks performed by Swami would give you confidence.

Spiritual practices: Swami always upholds traditional customs and urges students to practice them. Whether it is reciting the Vedas, performing Sandhya Vandhanam or reciting the morning and night prayer, all these are stepping-stones to the ultimate goal of all our lives.

Patience: Thousands of people want Swami at the same time. Have you ever seen Him lose His cool? Never! He is always patient, so should all of us be.

Service: Service was always on top of Swami’s mind. ‘To help ever’ was His motto. Help colleagues at work, help family at home, help your partner with household work – all these are simple service activities. Truly, service starts at home and makes life blissful.

Pay attention: When you spoke to Swami, did He pay attention? Of course, yes! You were the only one. The entire world was taking the backstage at that time. Can you pay the same attention when someone speaks to you or does your mind waver? Think about it.

Radio Sai: Now Swami is not amongst us in His physical form, so how do we relate to Him? It is not at all difficult. Radio Sai helps me to tune with Him at all times. Radios Sai has tremendous energy boosters that even the broadcasters are not aware of!

Brother Ganesh Seshadri is based in Banglore and works for an IT firm. He is actively involved in seva activities with the super specialty hospital in Banglore