Dear brothers, Sairam!
In this issue of Vidyullekha we have two seniors who share their thoughts with us. This section will be in two parts, the first by Sri Thukaram Rao and the second by Sri Sureshchand Jain.
Sri Thukaram Rao M.E.
Swami looks after our welfare at all times
By Swami’s grace, I came under His umbrella at a very young age. We first had Swami’s Darshan in Nandanvan at Whitefield in the early 1960s. During those days Swami assigned some duties to my father in different capacities. I took the opportunity to go to Nandanvan and Brindavan along with my father regularly.
The divine yoga teacher
1968 was a memorable year when Swami gave me a chance to attend Yoga classes, which were conducted under His direct supervision. Three of us could not perform Shirasasan properly. After the regular session, Swami took us three into the interview room to personally teach Shirasasan. He used to hold our legs straight to enable us to perform the Asan properly. It is only a Divine Master who could teach His disciples thus to make them perfect students. A year later, by His grace, I joined the Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College at Brindavan as a student.
He stands by his word
My mother was worried about me from the beginning. In one of the interviews given to my parents, Swami informed my mother not to worry about me assuring her that He will take care of me by giving an opportunity to serve His college as lecturer. This assurance was given while I was studying B.Com.
One evening in old Brindavan, when Dr. S. Bhagavantham and I were present, Swami casually asked Dr. Bhagavantham as to how to answer questions in a job interview. Dr. Bhagavantham replied from the perspective of a candidate. Little did I realise that Swami was training me how to answer questions in a job interview. In 1975, when I was called for an interview for the post of lecturer in Commerce in Sri Sathya Sai College at Whitefield. I was surprised to see Dr. Bhagavantham who was the chairman of the interview committee. By Swami’s grace I was appointed for the said post. What assurance Swami had given to my mother a few years ago was fulfilled. When Swami gives His word, He will always fulfill it. We have to come up to His expectations and deserve the same.
Swami, the saviour
Swami saved my life during the summer course held at Ooty. On one evening, I was returning from college after doing stock verification of college property. I was talking to my colleague while riding the bicycle. We did not notice a fast approaching truck. I was literally thrown over on the other side of the road though the bicycle fell on the middle of the road. Before this incident Swami had spoken about a few staff members including me. The same evening I sent a telegram to Swami conveying my gratitude for saving my life from a possible accident. He read the telegram out aloud and ascertained that He had saved me that day. This incident shows that Swami had foreseen the problem much before the incident occured.
When I reflect my experiences with Swami as a student and as a faculty member, I am convinced that Swami is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. He is our saviour, guide, and guard throughout our lifetime. It is by His grace, that all of us come to His fold in different capacities. Whatever opportunities He gives us, we must make best use of them and reciprocate the same by putting into practice His teachings. It is our privilege to serve His organisation and mission to our utmost ability and capacity. Needless to say, it could be in the form of forming a Sai Samithi, conducting Bhajansessions, participating in Gram Seva and Narayan Seva, teaching weaker students, and spreading Swami’s message through lectures and other activities. We should always make Swami happy and justify ourselves by being His students. Sri Thukaram Rao joined the Sri Sathya Sai Arts & Science college in 1969 as a student. After graduating, he joined the college as a faculty member in 1975 teaching UG and PG students until his retirement in 2010.
Sri Thukaram also served as a visiting faculty in New Horizon College of Engineering (MBA Dept.) and served as the principal of Patel Institute of Science & Management. He has also served as examiner of CMR Institute of Technology and Management and at the the University of Kashmir. In addition, he has also been associated with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Sri Thukaram has also authored books on Cost Accounting and Management Accounting.
Sri Sureshchand Jain
Dept. of Hindi, Brindavan Campus
Dear brothers,
Om Sri Sai Ram.
It is a joy to talk to you all after a long time. Whitefield campus has completed 50 years, its Golden Jubilee, and I am happy that I have been part of this campus during this period.
There is a lot of difference between ‘yesterday’ and ‘today’ – the present. During yester years, we enjoyed the physical proximity of Swami and unfortunately missed the next level of body-mind-soul. Today is the opportunity for us to recapitulate the words Swami had told us. I would like to remind myself and share with all of you, two phrases which we have heard often.
“आत्म-स्वरूपलारा” or “प्रेम-स्वरूपलारा” and “इंटरव्यू!… इन्नरव्यू कब पुछोगे?”
Each word is like a ‘mantra’ for all of us. Let us take some time to meditate on these mantras.
आत्म-स्वरूपलारा… प्रेम-स्वरूपलारा…
In the mighty presence of the Physical God, surrounded by His Maya, we just enjoyed the ‘the physical god talking to us’. We had never given a second thought to what were the meaning of these words that Swami spoke to us. I think, today, we are matured enough to go back in time and really understand the significance of these words.
“आत्म-स्वरूपलारा” and “प्रेम-स्वरूपलारा” means we are Atma and not mere mortals (the physical body) as we generally underestimate ourselves. However, have we, at any moment, actually behaved as the Atma? आत्म-स्वरूपलारा? Perhaps never. We totally forget who we really are. Today, let us enjoy these words and feel the presence of the Atma, “the embodiment of the Atma”.
The other word is “प्रेम-स्वरूपलारा” (the embodiment of love). What does “love” means to all of us? True love is that which never expires and is limitless in time and space. It actually engulfs all beings as one. Let us first understand this love and enjoy this love and only then can we really spread it. Just before going to sleep, lay down and be in joy of being yourself for few seconds and have the Anandaa of your being – the Atma.
इंटरव्यू! इन्नरव्यू कब पुछोगे?
The second phrase what Swami often asked us was: इंटरव्यू! इन्नरव्यू कब पुछोगे? (Interview! When will you ask for the inner-view ?). Did we really think of the “inner view”? We were always busy with the physical world around us forgetting our true inner self. Let us all go back to those good old days to recollect those words and regurgitate its meaning.
In reality we never had a thought of asking Swami what He had come to give us. How great we were in our own worlds! How physical we are even now? We never gave importance for the significance of His words, but rather foolishly enjoyed the importance of ourselves (“Swami spoke to me”). We were totally engrossed in our own Ahamkaara and our ego never allowed us to come out of that physical importance. We lived in that blissful ignorance, and could not even ask Swami what he really wanted to give all of us.
Today is different. We are definitely matured enough with so much experience to understand and enjoy the real meaning of Swami’s words. This transition from the physical to the spiritual meaning would help us truly be in joy – by ending worldly joys – end of joy. All the best to all of us. I hope I am able to convey my Ananda to your hearts.