2010 Jan 1 Edition Gratitude Corner

Gratitude Corner

Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude about those who have kindled a spark within us, when our own light goes out.

Albert Schweitzer

Those who educate children well are more honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.


How often do we not find ourselves rolling back the years, to moments when we were deeply inspired by our teachers? At some point in our early years each one of us has sought the comfort of their wisdom, marvelled at their conviction in goodness, and prayed to preserve their inspiration within ourselves.

This feature showcases the perspectives of wonderful role models, so we benefit once more from connecting with them. This is also a heartfelt attempt to offer our gratitude to all our teachers, and humbly salute them for their selfless efforts in making us what we are today. This article is limited to only a few senior professors due to space constraints, but we will expand coverage and showcase views of more teachers in forthcoming issues.

What are your expectations from alumni? What advice can you share?

“Alumni are members of the Sai family and thus are protected and strengthened by Sai Himself. Hence it is your duty to do whatever good you can without a second thought. Make every attempt to enrich the name of your alma-mater. Share the vision of the university, and act to convert it to reality. Being brought up in the Sai system, always maintain your connection with Bhagawan’s ideals.”

-Dr. CLN Murthy
Sanskrit Dept., Prasanthi Nilayam

Dr. Jagadeeshwar Rao
Dept. of Chemistry, Prasanthi Nilayam

“Take responsibility for small tasks in life initially; inculcate the habit of acting with responsibility. Bigger, nobler and divine tasks are coming your way. Perform your work with love and devotion so it is transformed into worship. The body, mind and one’s life are the gift of God. Utilize your capabilities and faculties for the welfare of the society. Maintain moral, ethical and spiritual standards in your lives and uplift the rich culture of Bharat. It is very important to share the Ananda bestowed upon you by Bhagawan to people around – especially the poor and downtrodden. Each Sai student must be Swami’s trustee at all times.
Also, always try to balance worldly comforts with your spiritual goals. Never lose sight of the ultimate goal and always keep Bhagawan as a part of your life and profession. Fix a time for spiritual sadhana and adhere to it strictly. Bhagawan’s message must reflect itself in your life. Spend time interacting with destitute and socially backward people and give them a sense of belongingness.
Finally, take very good care of your parents as well. Do not let monetary success lead you to become ostentatious – remember, that may affect their children. Actively encourage family members to take up sadhana in their lives. At a personal level, reflect for a few minutes every day, and look back with gratitude at the rich blessings Bhagawan has showered upon you.”

Q: What has made the experience of teaching in Bhagawan’s university special? Any memories you would like to share?
“Students in Bhagawan’s colleges are so different from students outside. The respect with which you interacted with teachers when you were students, the love and concern that all of us teachers had for you (and continue to have for current students) makes this place really unique. It is this unique student-teacher relationship that makes this institution special. The student to teacher ratio is excellent and allows one-to-one interactions required for character building and sharing life’s lessons.

There can be no doubt that the pure and selfless love that Swami showers on His students becomes part of their lives too. There was a time in my teaching experience when I wondered why was I wasting time in mundane affairs, when God Himself has come in our midst? Why not totally plunge into spiritual enquiry and realise the self? When I asked Bhagawan for His permission to quit teaching and dedicate my life to self enquiry, He refused outright. He cautioned against separating spirituality from my daily duties, adding emphatically He would not grant me what I was seeking in even a thousand births if I walked away from my duties. Later, Bhagawan told me to meditate on the question ‘Who am I?’ One day, as I was, I happened to be sitting near the interview room, absorbed in the contemplation of ‘Who am I?’, Bhagawan stepped out. I wondered if I should open my eyes or continue with my inner enquiry. Something prompted me to open my eyes and I saw Bhagawan staring at me. As He passed by me, He tapped me once on my shoulder. The next day when I sat at the same place I was immediately drawn into a different world where ‘I became everything, and everything was me’. That experience lasted one full day and to this day that has been my most memorable experience. Bhagawan taught me that sincerity alone is what matters. It is not the amount of work but the effort that an individual puts into the best of his capacity that moves Bhagawan’s heart.”
-Sri HJ Bhagia
School of Business Mgmt. Accounting & Finance, Prasanthi Nilayam

Dr. Basavaraju
Dept. of Bio-Sciences, Prasanthi Nilayam

“Once, Bhagawan had given instructions to ask two students to leave the hostel, on disciplinary grounds. Not permitted to stay in the hostel, the two students had taken up accommodation outside the ashram. They were so aggrieved by their folly that they did not have food for two days. Just then, Bhagawan had called all the teachers for an interview. At an opportune moment, around four to five of us pleaded on behalf of the two students with Bhagawan. We also mentioned to Swami that the students were remorseful and had forsaken food for two days. Bhagawan listened to all the details we were trying to share, after which He made a stunning revelation. Even He had not eaten a morsel for those two days! Pained by severance from the mother’s proximity, the children had given up food. But the divine mother was more pained – how could she partake food when her children were left hungry? We were left dumb struck.

The depth of the Bhagawan’s divine love for students cannot be gauged by anyone.”

Q: What gives you the sense of fulfilment from teaching in Bhagawan’s university?
“When a long academic year comes to an end, you feel tired and exhausted and even start thinking in terms of hanging up one’s shoes. Then all of a sudden, a student turns up, or writes in, expressing how much of a difference I have made to him. That moment brings the greatest fulfilment. I am then ready for another innings!”
Prof. GV Prabhakar Rao
Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Sciences,Prasanthi Nilayam