2019 Jan 1 Edition Gratitude Corner

Sai Seva: The reason for our existence

Dr. T Ravi Kumar

Sairam dear brothers!

It’s such a pleasure to talk about Swami to people who love Swami. We have had fifty glorious years since the college at Brindavan was inaugurated and fifty-one years since the education program of Bhagawan started. In all these years we have watched with great joy and pride this wonderful education system, which has become even more relevant with each passing day.

Why have I given you My proximity?

Once Swami asked us in Kodaikanal, “Boys, why have I given you the proximity and opportunity to learn from Me? Is it because of your good appearance or because you are rich or highly intellectual or highly devoted?” He Himself replied, “There are many people with very good appearance around the world. Many rich and scholarly people come to Swami. There are many who are so devoted that they will do anything for one word from Swami. I have taken you into My fold because of your age. You are at an age where you can be molded into perfect instruments. Instruments who can revive the ancient Bharatiya culture, which is facing onslaught today    and shouldn’t be lost to humanity. If Bharat goes, the world goes. This culture which has been preserved for centuries needs to be carried forward and preserved for posterity. It is for this sacred task, I am training you.”

This, then, is the purpose for which we were brought close to Swami. The Ananda that we got by being in His presence, watching Him and learning at His lotus feet. I am sure there is none among His students who has not shed a tear at the opportunity received – an opportunity so rare to humanity when the Lord comes down. Having received all this, what is our duty? It is very easy to forget all this in the humdrum of our daily life pursuing careers and living with our families. We find it difficult to find time for Swami’s activities, which, according to me, is not correct.

Irrespective of any activity we do – eating, sitting or walking, doesn’t our breathing go on? Similarly chanting His name and thinking what we can do for Him should possess us. When is that day arriving when each one of His students becomes a beacon of light for humanity. When will Swami’s work become our addiction? We need to pass on this learning to the next generation – we need to realize that sending our children to Balvikas is more important than sending them to a dance class, tuition or swimming class. Taking our children and family to Swami and His organisation should be our priority. There are so many beautiful Seva activities our alumni have started the world over – medical Seva and Samarpan for instance. Sadly however, most of the activities are led by a handful of alumni while others seem to be busy. What else can we be busy with except Him who is the prime focus of our life? Having received so much grace, it would be selfish to enjoy it in our heart and not spread His glory, strengthening the activities that are carried out in His name across the world. This should be the only way to express gratitude to Swami and it is our responsibility.

Imagine Swami instead of giving up everything for us and taking care of us, chose to concentrate on the Raju family! What would life be for thousands of us then? Isn’t it time we give Swami the highest priority in our lives? He has promised, “Ananyaschintayantomaam, ye janapariyupasate… Tesham nityabhiyuktanam yogakshemam vahamyaham” (Those who think of Me constantly, I will take care of them). This would be ideal for our careers, our family, our lives. Would it not be better if Swami takes care of our well-being while we prioritize Swami’s work? His work and mission should become as important as our heart beat that keeps us alive. If we are living, we should live for Sai. There is nothing more sacred in life.

Dear brothers, we celebrate the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Brindavancollege. On 8th -9th June this year, we can all come together at Brindavan, bask in the memories of the time spent with the Lord. When we come together, the synergy and momentum itself will take us forward. Let us come together again to offer our Pranams to the Lord who made our lives worth living.


About the author

Dr Ravi Kumar sir is the warden of the Brindavan campus of the Sri SathyaSai Institute of Higher Learning and also serves in the Department of Chemistry. He joined Bhagawan’s college for his intermediate education and went on to do his PhD in 1990.