2009 Winter Edition Bhagawan Uvacha

Bhagawan Uvacha

The Divine Task Master

Looking back at the 19 years of my stay as a student in Bhagawan’s institutions; I find the fragrance of His love in great abundance. Gentle and loving as He is, He can equally be tough and firm when circumstances demand – this I got to learn the hard way. I had a certain habit that I knew was bad; however was never able to overcome it. It was my weakness for colorful stationery. What began as a simple liking gradually converted into weakness and then into bad habit. This episode happened in the year 1995 when I was in class 8. That day, after classes were over I came across a dazzling eraser left behind on a desk. Instead of handing it over to the class teacher, I quietly pocketed it, assuring myself that no was noticing. Indeed, I was to learn that I was mistaken very badly. Those days’ students were allowed to sit on the upper verandah during darshan. As the lines entered the mandir, rushing to this area I grabbed a place in the front row. I saw the group of birthday boys seated in the same area, and my hopes of being able to get padanamaskar soared. Finishing the darshan round, Swami came around to the upper portico. He gradually started interacting with the students in the front rows, blessing them compassionately. Enjoying the scene of Swami showering His love and with happy expectation I awaited my turn to take padanamaskar. As the student ahead of me finished his salutations, Swami’s eyes fell on me. Nothing had prepared me for what was to come next. The smiling and affectionate face of Bhagawan had instantly vanished and in its place a severe look had taken over. In a stern and admonishing tone, He said – “Che… Bad boy. Don’t Touch!” Moving on, He blessed each and every student till all (except me) had got padanamaskar!

So sudden was the change in His tenor, and so strong were his words that I was aghast and overcome with emotions. Warden Sir who was sitting nearby was a witness to the entire episode. Post darshan, he counseled me, trying to understand what the matter was. Though I was able to wriggle my way out of that conversation, I knew in my heart why Swami had taken me to task. The divine parent had assumed the role of the stern father and the timely admonishment ensured that I was able to permanently overcome my weakness. Bhagawan lays maximum emphasis on character, and personally ensures that His students develop good character.

Always adhere to His commands

It was the year 1996 when I was in my class 8. It was afternoon time, classes were over and students were getting ready to leave to mandir for darshan. Suddenly, news reached us that we were not to go for darshan. Swami had sent word to all the students’ hostels that students were to remain in the campus itself. We did not have any other details and soon various rumors were adrift. Most of us felt that Swami was angry with boys and were wondering what was wrong.

Not to know the perilous incident that was to unfold later that evening in mandir, we decided to spend the later part of the day in the hostel itself. Late in the evening news reached the hostel that a steel structure that was a part of the ongoing construction in the mandir had come crashing down. That was the time when the retractable roof was being fitted in the Sai Kulwant hall. The steel structure that had collapsed was resting on the steel columns when the support gave way. This had crashed in on the location where students usually sit for darshan and since this space was empty there was no casualty.

Alarmed as we were at this news, we were more awed by the words of our omniscient Lord. His words, restraining students to come to darshan, had prevented what would have been a certain calamity. We dreaded to think of what might have happened otherwise, and submitted our loving salutations to all knowing Sai. At the same time we also learnt that though we may not be able to understand the reason for Swami’s words, it is important that we follow them.

In you, above you, around you

Student life in Swami’s institutions is extremely charming; especially because of the excitement darshan brings in its wake. Daily as the students troop into mandir, flooding in from the two gates, it is this excitement that is manifest. Would He take my letter today? Can I get to occupy a vantage position that would assure me of padanamaskar? Will he speak to me! So on and so forth – these are the typical thoughts of any student during darshan time. And I was no exception, till …..

It was my second year of B.Sc., and it was the turn of our class to leave hostel first. Reaching mandir early I hurried towards the front row and occupied a seat. Equipped with a letter, addressed to loving Sai Ma I keenly awaited Swami’s arrival. Soothing instrumental notes announced the arrival of our dear Lord and as eager heads turned towards the Poornachandra, I drew out the letter with a prayer in my heart. As Swami came closer, I stretched out my hand trying to attract His attention. Bhagawan, passed just the slightest glance towards my letter, and then turning to me chided “Letter! Letter! Why do you need to write so many letters? Don’t you realize that I am always there with you? Twentyfour hours a day, wherever you go Swami is there with you – protecting you at every step! In you, above you, around you!!” Though I had heard similar utterances before during discourses, Swami’s direct words drove deep the message. I realized that when we are with the omnipresent and omniscient Lord, it is futile to think that one needs to convey something to Him through a letter. Nothing escapes His ever watchful eyes. Later many a time, even when I had a problem I never wrote a letter – and every time the problem was solved.