Become love itself
You should lead an ideal life. All the feelings of the songs you sang should be imprinted in your heart. Then you and your heart will become one. If you develop such a feeling, it will give me so much joy. Thus, you should enter the world and lead an ideal life. I kept you close to me, nurtured you and educated you. For all this, I want only one thing. Earn a good name. That will give me happiness. I don’t ask for anything else. Lead such a life. Sathya Sai Institute students should lead an ideal life.
Remember this about Swami. I am never negative about anything. I am never negative under any circumstance. I am always positive. I’m ready for everything. Never give space for misunderstanding. Understand the reality. And experience the divinity. That’s what I want.
Shape yourself as a true human first. From humanity, reach divinity. Respect elders. Never forget the help you received from others. Help ever. Hurt never. This is the main principle of Bhagavatam. There is no use reading Vedas and Veda Sastras. Scholars revel only in arguments and counter-arguments. But arguments only lead to hatred. Don’t get into arguments. When you don’t know, don’t get into arguments, just don’t say anything. That’s enough. These days, you should open your hearts and close your mouths. But, we open our mouths and close our hearts. That’s negative. Open your hearts and close your mouths, and that’s positive. Lead a positive life. Don’t trouble others.
When you sing, your feelings should match the tune. Along with tune, feelings should also grow. If there are no good feelings in your heart, and even if you sing well, I don’t like to hear. Purify your heart, and sing whichever way you want – and that gives me so much joy. If you purify your heart, melody and beat will come naturally.
Kabir said, Rama, I don’t do yogic practices, I can’t meditate, I don’t repeat mantras. It’s not possible for me to be close to you because the body is temporary and it’s full of ailments. I can’t be near you. But, there is one thing that I have from which you cannot escape. I will bind you with that. What do I have? I have the rope of love. I can bind you with the rope of love.
Then Rama manifested before him, and said, “my son, I am bound only by love, and nothing else.”
With the rope of love you can achieve anything. So, have love. Nurture love. Become love itself.
From Swami’s discourse to students in 1990s