2020 95th Birthday Special Edition

Blessings in an Envelope

Kapil Jawa

The beauty of life lies in the rare subtleties it sometimes presents, leaving sublime yet lasting memories to cherish forever. This best describes one of my several moments with Swami, one that left me speechless, yet blessed and thankful for His Divine Presence in every moment of my life.

I had just completed seven years of my education from Swami’s Institute in Prasanthi Nilayam and left the campus with a heavy heart. It was time to follow Swami’s command to go back to my parents and start my career. Before long, I landed my first job in Delhi. 

While heading back home after a long day at work, I often visited the famous Shirdi Sai Baba Temple on Lodhi Road, where I would see devotees distributing Prasadam. One evening while I was there, a thought crossed my mind that I should also do Narayana Seva with my first salary here. A moment later it occurred that I should, in fact, offer my first salary to Swami as a token of gratitude for the free and quality education that I had received at His Lotus Feet. It was the least that I could do!

A few months later, I was on a journey back to Puttaparthi to fulfil my wish and see Swami once again. The day I arrived, I penned a letter to Swami and put it in an envelope along with a cheque representing my first salary as a token of gratitude. The letter also thanked Swami for making me the person I am today.  

I carried this envelope to Swami’s Darshan every day, hoping to hand it over personally. Days passed and Swami accepted letters from everyone, but me. On the last day of my stay, I decided to simply courier the letter to Swami. It was my best bet to get it across to Him. The letter reached Him as I had hoped and what’s more? He had a message for me! 

Later that evening, Brother Satyajit called to say that he had some work for me before I left for Delhi. He met me with an envelope in his hands, the very same one I had couriered! He handed it over saying, “Swami asked me to let you know that He has kept your letter but has returned your cheque in this envelope. Swami does not want money from His students”.

While I was touched and overwhelmed on the one hand, I was hugely disappointed on the other; the joy of Swami acknowledging my letter was immense, but the dejection of Swami having ‘returned’ my ‘token of gratitude’ was debilitating. However, deep down I knew that the Lord never ‘disappoints’.

A few current students approached me after Bhajans with beaming smiles and recounted that Swami had apparently asked different groups of students several times if they knew Kapil, an ex-student. He went on to say with a great sense of pride to the students and several elders seated there, “This boy, Kapil, had gone to a temple which is opposite the Sai Centre, a few months ago, where a thought crossed his mind that he should offer his first salary to Swami. For this purpose, he came all the way here and gave Swami a letter and a cheque. While I appreciate the gesture and know the feelings are pure, I did not accept the cheque because Swami only wants love from His students. Swami’s only wish is that students should get a good name for their parents, university and Swami – that’s all Swami wants, only the gratitude, not the money”.

I was speechless and teary eyed. I had not shared the thought at the Shirdi Baba temple with anyone. There wasn’t even a mention of it in my letter to Swami! Besides, the Shirdi Baba Temple on Lodhi Road is right across the road from the Sai Centre that I frequent. He knew all this! I recovered from my brief daze to the realization of His omniscience and omnipresence. He watches over us every moment of our lives, reads our thoughts and listens to our feelings. He is with us, every step of our journey.

I came back home a happy soul, with a feeling of fulfilment. The miraculous thing is that ever since the blessed cheque came into our house, Swami’s grace has helped our family in ways beyond description. This only further cements our belief that Swami never takes, only gives, and that too, in abundance.  Swami had touched my life once again. Not in the way I had initially hoped, but in His own way sent a powerful message that will stay with me forever. I learnt that day, that some experiences are subtle, yet sublime and Swami is always watching over us, blessing us, hoping we will uphold His values, continue His legacy and make Him proud.

Kapil Jawa High school Grade 11 & 12, B.Com (Hons) in Brindavan, Master in Financial Management, Prasanthi Nilayam,  1993 – 2000. Currently Vice President, Genpact in New Delhi. He is the Youth Coordinator for the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Delhi. Additionally, he facilitates a unique personality development program ‘Life is a Game, Play it’ aimed at instilling Human Values for college students.