Bhagawan Uvacha

It was a typical day in April 2006 at Sai Shruti, Kodaikanal, Bhagawan’s playground where some students are made to feel like champions while others build character. One such student of the latter category was seated that day in the…

Gratitude Corner

By Sri Nimish Pandya All-India President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, India Sri Nimish Pandya first met Bhagawan in 1977. His family was introduced to the world of Sri Sathya Sai Baba through the Bal Vikas movement, when his…

Cover Story

And the Love goes on… In the company of those we love an eon seems a moment, and a few seconds of pain apparently last an age. Premabandham 2022, the alumni meet on 1st January will be the 10th year…

From My Diary

The Sweet Fruits of Waiting Brother Suresh Ramaswamy Whenever I reminisce about the wonderful seven years I spent in Swami’s physical presence, I am drawn specifically to the aspect of how Swami helped me to navigate my journey through my…

From My Diary

My Journey with Bhagawan Dr. Neil Bardoloi If I am asked to describe Swami in one word, that word would be love and no other. Never has anyone walked on earth who could love so many, so much and so…

Alumni Profile – Sathya Pramod

Brother Sathya Pramod is the CEO & Founder of Keyess Square consulting which helps early stage & mid sized companies in strategy, finance & compliance. He is also co-founder of Inflection Point Ventures which is a prominent angel investment platform….

Love In Action

Though the pandemic posed a challenge to the usual Seva activities, it opened up new avenues of Seva where one can extend meaningful and relevant contributions to the society. Since mass Seva activities may not be appropriate during these times,…


1 Bhagawan Uvacha 2 Gratitude Corner – Sri Nimish Pandya 3 Cover Story – And the Love goes on… 4 From My Diary – Sri Suresh Ramaswamy (1992 – 1999) 5 From My Diary – Dr Neil Bardoloi (1979 –…