Veda Chanting – Near and Dear to God

C.B.S. Mani “I am wondering how the two of you can learn Veda chanting. Those young boys in the temple chanted extremely well”, my father said to me and my elder brother one Sunday evening. My mother continued, “Yes Mani,…

Immersing Oneself in Sai

Murali Kotikalapoodi As an MBA student, in my very first interview, Swami had said in Telugu, “Emi leni tala lo yedaina nimpavacchu, yededo nindina talaburra, adi khali aguna? (An empty head can be filled with many things. A head that…

Service – who is the true beneficiary?

V. Nandgopal Swami has always exhorted us to do selfless service, saying, “Manava seva is Madhava seva”, but He has also given another perspective of how service should be regarded by the person who renders the seva. It was the…

Sitara Se Sitar

Arun Uthayan The year was 1984. I had spent five years as a student at Prasanthi Nilayam. Even though I was selected as a singer in 1980, the opportunity to sing in the Mandir or in front of Swami had…

Education is for Life not Living

Atyam Raghavendra I graduated in the year 1995 with an MBA degree from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam. I hoped to pursue a career in Banking or Equity Research and went about seeking jobs with established…

When You Belong to Sai

Harish Krishan “You belong to Me.” When Bhagawan said these words gazing deep into my eyes during the trip to Kodaikanal in the year 2005, little did I understand how deep that ownership would go. A couple of years later,…

Swami, a Cornet and I

Jayaram Balabhaskaran It was in the year 1994, the month of November when I saw the Institute Brass Band perform at the newly constructed Sai Kulwant Hall for the Convocation and Birthday celebrations. I sat there watching them with dropping…

Less Talk More Study

O.S.K.S. Sastry It was our third year of the B.Sc course at Brindavan. Our classmates were planning for the Gratitude Program. Everyone got together and it was decided that we shall offer a gold plate and tumbler as a symbol…

The Awakening

Parikshit Menon दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतद्देवानुग्रहहेतुकम् । मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः There are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God – namely, a human birth, the longing for Liberation, and the protecting care of a perfected…

Guideposts for Life

Rajesh Dhuddu During our childhood we were advised by our mother to pray before going to bed. Our prayers were very simple with no Slokas or Sanskrit hymns. We referred to God as ‘Swami’ and generally prayed for everyone’s wellbeing…