2016 Autumn Edition Cover Story

All the world is a stage!

“All the world’s a stage,And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts”~ William Shakespeare, As you like it Bhagawan has been making us experience…

Seven Meditations on Guru

Swami is many things for many people. For millions of devotees, He is God, the eternal truth, the infinite being, whose vastness human hearts and minds can never fathom. He is also a Mother and a Father, whose loving touch…

Prema Bandham 2017

Coming Home to the Divine Mother “Just as the end of culture is perfection, the end of knowledge is love and the end of wisdom is freedom.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba “I’m going home!” Three words to describe how…

Hari Bhajana Bina Sukha Shanti Nahi

Namasmarana is the royal road to liberation in this age of Kali, says our beloved Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Time and again Swami has reinforced the immense benefits one gets, tangibly and intangibly, from the constant repetition of…

Cover Story

The Sai Students Portal: A Labour of Love The alumni community of the Sri Sathya Sai educational institutions is widely dispersed across India and the globe today. Alumni generations span over four decades, and it is no surprise that…

Cover Story

Alumni Meet – The Genesis & The Journey The Blossoming Buds To sit before Bhagawan on New Year day in the magical garden of His love, brings to life Bhagawan’s words from many years ago – “You are flowers in…

Serve… The Lord is with you!

When God dons the role of a divine teacher, He does not read from the scriptures or intone mere dictums. He rather takes on a human birth and all the ordeals that life on earth entails. He chooses to walk,…

Alumni Meet 2008 in Prasanthi Nilayam – a report

Moments. The buds wait for the moment when spring weaves its magic by unleashing a burst of colors. On the sea-bed, a speck of dust waits to be snapped up by an oyster to find deliverance as a pearl. A…

MBA Redefined…

MBA Redefined -Reminiscences of the First Batch A session by Vidyullekha with the Class of 1988 Being the first batch, they had the exclusive attention of Bhagawan and were blessed… no, deluged by His Grace. He was involved in their…

Bhagawan…With Us Forever!

2011 Maha Samadhi Edition Our Dearest Bhagawan – With Us Forever! Sayeeshwaraaya Vidmahe Sathya Devaaya Dheemahi Thannassarvah Prachodhayaath The Taittiriya Upanishad proclaims, “Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya Manasa Saha”. This means, “He is that phenomenon that words cannot describe and the…