Gratitude Corner
YOUR EXAMPLE WILL BE THAT OF ANGELS Dear Alumni,Sairam !!! All of you will agree when I say “The greatest thing that has happened to you is that of Bhagawan entering into your lives”. His entering into our lives is…
Gratitude Corner
Dear Students, Sai Ram. I feel very much happy to meet you all through this letter. “Living with Bhagawan is true education” Swami often quotes from the scriptures. Eshaavaasyam Idam Shareeram-The same Ishwara is pervading the whole space” Ishwara is…
Gratitude Corner-2020 Vidyullekha Janmashtami Issue
My Sai Story- Prof. PC Sood My Sai story began not as a devotee, nor as a seeker or even as an observer, but as an outsider. I first came to Parthi in early 1996 at the ripe old age…
Gratitude Corner – Vidyullekha 2011 Post Maha Samadhi Edition
If each one of us were to open the treasure chests of our lives, the precious jewels that would emerge from them would indeed be the time spent at Bhagawan’s institutions. Precious time, made so by Bhagawan’s infinite love and…
Vice Chancellor speaks…
The well-known old dictum that “The proof of the pudding is in the eating” is very relevant to institutions of education. Every centre of learning is ultimately to be judged by the quality of citizens it produces. It is indeed…
Gratitude Corner
2007 Oct Autumn Edition Dear Brothers, Sairam and heartfelt greetings to all of you. Bhagavan’s divine mission on earth has entered its ninth decade. If He so wishes, He can accomplish His mission by His mere Sankalpa (will). As He…
Gratitude Corner – Vidyullekha Autumn 2009
Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School Prashanti Nilayam 1st Aug 2009 Let me rewrite the well known adage with an altered focus: Man does what man is. This means, if we want to monitor our deeds, we have to monitor…
Gratitude Corner
SADHANA, THE ROAD TO SELF REALISATION My Dear Alumni, Sai Ram! I thank Divine Mother Sai for this opportunity to share a few thoughts about beloved Bhagawan’s love for His student’s and Students’ love for Bhagawan. It is that love,…
In Memoriam: Professor Sri KL Sehgal The name sounds very demure, but he was anything but that! My first memories of him were during the personal interview during which he pointedly asked me what I hoped to achieve in my…
Gratitude Corner
The advice given by Vedic teachers to young departing children, after their schooling are exalted are, “‘Revere your mother as God’, ‘May your father be God’ and ‘May your Teacher be your God’; ‘Speak the Truth and Act Righteously, Do…