2008 Spring Edition Gratitude Corner

Gratitude Corner

Dear Students,

Sai Ram. I feel very much happy to meet you all through this letter. “Living with Bhagawan is true education” Swami often quotes from the scriptures. Eshaavaasyam Idam Shareeram-The same Ishwara is pervading the whole space” Ishwara is Love. In simple language, Love is nothing but to see yourself in the fellow beings and the world around you. By seeing yourself in the fellow beings the Vyashti becomes Samisthi and by expanding our vision further to the nation, the world and the universe we reach Paramesthi.

We are singularly fortunate to be with Lord Sai and experience his love. He is Love walking on two legs. He loves us all like a Mother and cares for us like a Father, guides us like a teacher and protects us like God. He considers us as his property. We have to rise to His expectations and share his message with other fellow beings. We all should live up to his message “Love All & Serve All.” His love is selfless, unsullied and boundless. Only when we keep our hearts open that we can experience His Love in full. All of us either teachers or students are the vidyaarthis of the Divine Teacher. Every one of us should put maximum and sincere efforts to live up to His expectation, which will be rewarded in multi-fold by our revered Bhagawan. We should always keep reminding ourselves that we are his children “Sai Students.” My dear students you should live to uphold the words of Sai “Help Ever & Hurt Never” and rise to His expectations to become worthy instruments in Bhagawan’s Divine Hands. Let me express my eternal deep sense of gratitude to Bhagawan for giving me the golden opportunity of serving at His Lotus Feet. May Lord Sai Bless You all with victory in all your endeavours.