Dr Gopi Krishna Pidatala is a second-generation devotee, Swami chose him as the National Youth Program Coordinator for Swami’s first World Youth Conference. He’s based in Hyderabad and is Group CEO of Vista Imaging and Medical Centre – a diagnostic centre with twelve centres across the country. Plus, he’s the Managing Director of Deno Source India, a sales and marketing analytics company.
On his connection to the Sai Mission
When I was fifteen, my father Late Sri P Sitapati, IAS, a former Chief Secretary rank officer of the Government of Andhra Pradesh forcibly put me into a 3-day Sri Sathya Sai Winter course in Indian Culture and Spirituality at Hyderabad as he felt that I was whiling away my time with friends. Reluctantly, I joined but this was the turning point of my life—the sessions were so inspiring! It triggered an unknown energy in me! I started discovering myself and intended to realise the purpose of my very life! My lifestyle started changing!
I was amazed at the commitment and Love of the Sevadal serving us in those three days. I soon wanted to be one of them and became part of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, Hyderabad in 1981. I started rendering seva in Sivam and soon became the CCS of Sivam – the Chief of Chappal Staff looking after the Chappal stand which today I realised has helped me the dignity of labour.
During this course, I befriended like-minded youngsters of my age and rest all is HIS STORY – the History of the Hyderabad Youth. In 1985, during Bhagawan’s 60th birthday celebrations, Swami would lovingly refer to us who helped in the canteen loading and unloading rice bags from trucks as His ‘Hyderabad boys’. The strength grew from year to year with His Love, His guidance, His direction. From few, we became hundreds and in Andhra Pradesh thousands. He directed the Hyderabad Youth to involve in village youth and perform Gram Seva with the right attitude – as an offering to Him. Under His divine umbrella, for the next 15 years, every Saturday and Sunday was dedicated to Sri Sathya Sai Grama Seva.
Over many loving interactions spanning three decades, He taught me the importance of simplicity and high thinking, to stay grounded and yet aim high and that Seva was the best way to reach Him! He has since, in his infinite grace, provided me with multiple opportunities to serve and I did not hesitate to grab any given opportunity.
Seva initiatives such as the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti Program, where the Organisation has adopted over 800+ schools, medical support at 12000 ft height in the Himalayan mountains, and the tribal villages seva in Andaman and Nicobar Islands made me understand why Swami made Seva and Sadhana so important to progress towards GOD! As the convener of the Sri Sathya Sai National Leadership Program for Self-Transformation, Swami made sure that Transforming Self is the first step in Sadhana to get closer to him.
Interaction with SSSIHL Alumni
I always envied the students and alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. I begged Swami multiple times to give me admission into the university. At first, He never responded, but one time when I pleaded hard, He said, “Aye! You have been asking so many times… and I have not responded… don’t you understand? No, you must work outside.” This divine guidance has been close to my heart since that moment.
I’ve observed that alumni have a clear picture of what they need to do and how to lead their lives for they have been trained to do so at the University and by Swami Himself. Their clarity of thought, execution plan, and understanding of what Swami likes is phenomenal. It’s always been a great pleasure to work with Sai students. In fact, you may meet any Sai student, they are directly connected to Swami. Even if they’re not connected to the Organization per se, they’ll share profound values they adhere to as per Swami’s divine dictum.
Your perspective on the role of a Sai Student
I recall an incident from an interview in Trayee Brindavan when a Governor of a North East state remarked, “Swami, your students who are your soldiers seem to be rushing towards you all the time!” Swami smiled and said, “they are rushing to me… I am theirs! so what is the issue… it is to me that they are rushing to!” He then immediately corrected the Governor and said, “My students are not Soldiers, they are all Generals!” This is how Swami sees his students—the ones who lead!
How do you connect with Swami in His physical absence?
Connecting with Him is only through His love, benevolence, grace, and blessings! I feel His presence every minute! When the Lord of the universe came down to mother Earth, He took off many hours guiding and blessing me and many of us. There must be something that He expects from this child of His called Gopi. This for me, is a great responsibility! All devotees who have partaken Swami’s love must lead their lives in accordance with His message. As long as my breath holds, Swami is my dearest friend, whose presence I always feel. I don’t think at all about His physical absence. I never saw Rama, Krishna, Jesus, or any other… but I have seen my Lord Sathya Sai – His beautiful form is embedded in my heart. So, I never make Swami a part of my life, I ensure that He is my life and I move forward. This is how I stay connected to Bhagawan.