The advice given by Vedic teachers to young departing children, after their schooling are exalted are, “‘Revere your mother as God’, ‘May your father be God’ and ‘May your Teacher be your God’; ‘Speak the Truth and Act Righteously, Do not adopt other ways’.”
Engage yourselves in such activities that will promote your progress. By devoted service to parents, and consistent adherence to Truth, several great souls, including Rama and Harishchandra have made themselves immortal. By means of right conduct, common people exalted themselves to the position of World Teachers. Hence, every bit of this advice, given to pupils, is highly powerful and relevant.
-Divine Discourse, Vidya Vahini
Under the guidance of the Divine Chancellor, the Sri Sathya Sai University has been scaling great heights with each passing year. It now stands out as a crest jewel in today’s global education system. The faculty members who are part of this hallowed institution have been handpicked by Bhagawan. Not only are they academic experts in their respective areas, but they also have very high moral values and ethical standards. No wonder being students of such professors, who are the chosen instruments of Swami, has been such an enriching experience.
In this series, we seek to focus on some of the senior faculty members from various academic departments. Batch after batch of students passing through the portals of the institute have been inspired by these personalities chosen by Swami. The students who fall under their tutelage are motivated to emulate their thoughts and values in their daily lives. In addition to their academic laurels and, the professors are extremely warm and very approachable to students. They engrain into students the values of Bhagawan’s education system with the same rigour that they teach academics. The alumni reached out to some of the senior faculty members who gladly consented to share their thoughts on different questions that the alumni had for them. The professor’s approached include Dr. Jagadeeshwar Rao (Chemical Sciences), Prof. H. J. Bhagia (Business Management and Finance), Dr. R. Basavaraju (Biosciences) Dr. CLN Murthy (Sanskrit), Prof. GV Prabhakar Rao (Mathematics and Computer Science) and Dr. G Balachandran (Economics). The article seeks to disseminate the wealth and wisdom that the professors shared so graciously.
Q: How do you look back at the experience of teaching in Swami’s institution? What makes it special?
Sharing his thoughts on the topic, Dr. Jagadeeshwar Rao mentioned that the inspiration provided by the Divine Master was the most unique aspect of Bhagawan’s institution. He remarked, “The Sri Sathya Sai System of education is unique. Bhagawan, who is the Sadguru has designed the whole scheme of things in this university. It is a privilege to be a part of this institution. Living with Divinity and working under His loving guidance in shaping and moulding students into holistic personalities is a joyous experience. However, at the same time it is challenging too. Bhagawan’s institution focuses on developing self confidence and self respect. Through this, students are able to achieve self sacrifice and are inspired to attain self realization. As teachers we are accountable not merely for teaching, examination and evaluation, but also towards inculcation of human values, good attitudes and behaviour in the students. I consider the students here as my own children and always pray to Swami to teach through me.”
Prof Bhagia attributed the special nature of the experience, to the unique student–teacher relationship and the love showered by Bhagawan on students. In his words: “Students in Swami’s college are so different from the students outside. They have immense respect towards teachers. The respect with which the students interact with their teachers and the love and concern that teachers have for their students makes this place really unique. It is this unique student–teacher relationship that makes this institution special. The student-to-teacher ratio is excellent and allows one-to-one interaction required for character moulding. There can be no doubt that the pure and selfless love that Swami showers on His students get rubbed off into their lives.”
Q: What has given you the sense of fulfilment in teaching here?
Likening the experience of teaching to that of a sculptor, Dr. Basavaraju stated that working as Swami’s instruments provides a sense of fulfilment.
“Students are like raw stones. It is the duty of teachers to chisel them into good statues that can be offered on the altar of worship. However, patience and understanding is required from both parties – students and teachers. Only then can this process operate successfully and find fruition. The end is to serve the society through products of this chiselling and refinement. Swami is giving this opportunity to shape students’ characters; to work as His instrument gives the greatest satisfaction and fulfilment.”
That the Divine proximity alone was enough to provide him fulfilment was what Prof CLN Murthy felt. “Mere staying and basking in the very presence of Swami has given me and continues to give me unlimited bliss and satisfaction. It does not matter whether one is in first line or not, just Swami’s darshan suffices. Opportunity of sparshan or sambhashan such as padanamaskar or a word or two with Swami brings utmost contentment. Nothing else is wanted.” A short and meaning packed response from Prof Balchandran: “Swami’s institution is the temple of learning. I have given the best to this institution. In turn, I have also received the very best from this hallowed institution. These both give me the greatest fulfilment.”
Q: What is your advice to the junior teachers of this institute?
This question was specifically suggested by Sri G S Srirangarajan, Controller of Examinations, Sri Sathya Sai University. His thought was that the responses will be very helpful to get insights of the senior faculty on what teachers at Swami’s institutions should imbibe.
Stressing the importance of character, Prof Bhagia shared his thoughts. “Only one who practises has the authority to preach. Swami has spoken innumerable times on the importance of character. As far as teachers are concerned, it is one of the most vital prerequisites. Once, Swami compared teachers to water tanks and the students to taps. He said, as the water in the tank so will be the water in the tap. Hence, it is not good enough if we are professionally sound in our subject. We should possess exemplary character. It is then and only then that we should stand and teach the students in Swami’s institution. There is another phenomenon that occurs when a teacher takes a lecture. It is the fact that the attention of all the students is glued onto the teacher. Through this process, unhealthy traits (if any) can be transmitted from the teacher in subtler forms to students who are focussed on the teacher. Hence, along with a sound subject understanding, it is mandatory for teachers to have exemplary character.”
Dr GV Prabhakar Rao opined thus, “To be in Bhagawan’s presence here and to continue to be here is the greatest sadhana. If one is blessed with it, one must ensure that one doesn’t squander the opportunity.”
Teachers in Bhagawan’s college have to act as philosophers and guides to students and nurture obedience of rules and regulations felt Dr. Jagadeeshwar Rao. In his words: “Teaching and practice of spiritual discipline should go hand in hand at all times. Know that everything that is happening is by Swami’s will. You must try to experience Swami through yourself – in you. Couple secular knowledge with spiritual wisdom in classroom teaching. Teachers must show that spiritual wisdom is the basis of worldly knowledge. Follow the rules and regulations meticulously and with humility. Due respect must be given to senior teachers as well as authorities. Don’t criticise elders and authorities. A teacher in Bhagawan’s university is not only a teacher, but also a parent, good friend, philosopher and guide to students. Always be dignified in your approach. Work with sincerity and complete dedication to Swami. At the same time update your academic skills from time to time. Imprint in yourself and into students the feelings of love for God, fear of sin and morality in society. Treat your students as your own younger brothers.”