In Memoriam

How I Learnt to Love Hostel Food

Jaideep More
1997-2000 B.Com Brindavan
2000-2002 MFM Parthi

It was the afternoon on 5th May, 2021. It had been a busy day at work. I remembered Ruchir sir and decided to text him. “Sairam sir, how are you? It’s been a while since I connected with you. Hope you and mom are keeping healthy and safe,” I texted. He replied, “Great to hear from you, we are both fine, happy and healthy. Swami has kept us safe and well. How are you in Dubai and your parents in India.” “Sairam, all is well by Swami’s grace,” I continued. We texted for a while. “Things should be ok, it’s probably getting worse before it can get better,” he concluded, referring to the pandemic.

I had no clue that he was texting me from his hospital bed. Later, that night, I learnt about his condition from another brother. I immediately texted him, “Sorry sir, I wasn’t aware you are in the hospital.” “That’s fine, Sairam,” he replied, nonchalantly. Those were his last words to me. Even when he was unwell he was only inquiring about my health and my family. My messages to him after that remain unread. It is yet to sink in that I will never hear from him again.

I joined Brindavan in 1997. Coming from Mumbai, rice, Sambar and Rasam were not part of my daily diet. During the initial months I struggled to eat the food in the Hostel. I found a way out. Every evening at 5 pm, I would walk to Hostel Stores. I would purchase a bun, a Samosa and some cheese and make myself a burger. I continued this routine for a few weeks, skipping lunch everyday. One evening, Ruchir sir pulled me out of the line at the fruit stall and enquired, “Why are you eating everyday at the Stores?” I replied, “Sir, to be honest, I am unable to eat the food served for lunch, hence I am eating bread and Samosa.” He scolded me and advised that I better get used to the hostel food. “No more coming to the Stores for eating. I don’t want to see you around.” He instructed the Fruit Stall boys not to entertain me.

Days passed by. I had no choice but to get used to the Hostel lunch menu. I quickly adapted. In those days in-house camera technology was not prevalent. But Ruchir sir was able to spot my behavior among the 300 students at the Hostel. He observed my habit and corrected me immediately. He was more concerned about my long term health. Many days later when I ran into him in the corridor, he smiled and said, “You can visit the Fruit Stall now.” I did not need to. I had started to enjoy the Hostel food.

Sir, my words are meagre in expressing the void I feel with your passing. I believe humanity has lost an invaluable asset. Generations of students will miss the golden opportunity to hear the story of Bhagawan from your lips. I console myself imagining that Swami has plans to incarnate again in order to bring peace and happiness to our chaotic world. He needs his team of dependables for his mission. He has beckoned you to His Lotus feet so that you may continue to serve Him. I am grateful to Swami for making me grow under the tutelage of Ruchir sir.

In Oct 2019 Ruchir Sir and his mom spent Diwali with us in Dubai. This is my picture with him.