2020 95th Birthday Special Edition

Immersing Oneself in Sai

Murali Kotikalapoodi

As an MBA student, in my very first interview, Swami had said in Telugu, “Emi leni tala lo yedaina nimpavacchu, yededo nindina talaburra, adi khali aguna? (An empty head can be filled with many things. A head that is full of useless stuff, will it ever become empty?)” It appeared He had revealed His divine plan for me. Today, thirty-two years later, He is still working on me.  Whereas saints and sages had to do great penance to have a glimpse of the Lord, Swami installed Himself in our hearts by filling it with love. I would like to share with you a couple of incidents where He filled my mind (talaburra) with His thoughts. 

After completing my MBA, I stayed back in Parthi as I wanted to be in His physical presence. I also wanted Him to guide me directly about my future. There were quite a few of us waiting for such guidance – we were called the “waiting-boys”. Swami kept telling us to leave Puttaparthi, take up jobs, get married and fulfil the aspirations of our parents. He assured us of His grace, but we never heeded His words. One day, Swami admonished all of us for disobeying Him. He distributed Vibhuti and told us to leave. I did not accept the Vibhuti. When He put the Vibhuti in my pocket, I placed it back in the basket, thinking that was the way to communicate my interest to stay there. Swami looked sternly and said, “Swami is no different from Swami’s words. If you do not respect Swami’s words, you are not respecting Swami”. I was taken aback. I pleaded for forgiveness and requested Him to talk to us and guide us. As a loving mother Swami obliged and called us for an interview the following day. He showered immense love during the interview and addressed all our concerns. He outlined His expectations for us and assured us of His guidance for all times. I requested Swami to give me permission to set out if He felt I was a complete product (ready). If not, I prayed, He make me complete before He sent me out into the world. In the next three to four days most of the boys had left. Swami asked three of us who were remaining to work in the Central Trust. He had emptied my mind of unnecessary stuff and filled it with Love for Him. 

One winter when Swami had left for Brindavan, Parthi wore a deserted look. I was working in the Accommodations Office and there were hardly any visitors. I started to miss the physical presence of Swami. I had a strong urge to see Him and it made me restless. I expressed my desire to go and see Swami in Brindavan to my boss. He asked me to get approval from higher authorities who informed me they would get permission from Swami Himself. I could not wait that long. I felt the job which was meant to keep me close to Swami was now keeping me from seeing Him. I decided to go to Brindavan without the approval of the authorities. I was advised to desist from this misadventure by my brothers in the old-boys’ hostel. The urge to see Him was all consuming. Their advice fell upon deaf ears as I left for Brindavan at the risk of not being allowed to enter Prasanthi Nilayam ever again.  With nervous excitement I presented myself to Swami in Trayee Brindavan the next morning. Swami came towards me and inquired, “What brings you here?” I meekly submitted, “When Swami is in Brindavan there are no visitors to Parthi. I have no work. I wanted to see you and I came here.” He was perhaps pleased with my answer. He asked me to go in for an interview. In the week that followed, Swami blessed me with an interview every day and fulfilled my desire to be in His physical proximity.  One day He called me to Him and inquired about my luggage. I informed Him it was in the hostel. He asked me to accompany Him in His car after giving my luggage to Col. Joga Rao. I was puzzled. I was later informed that Swami was travelling to Puttaparthi and had blessed me to accompany Him. I was overwhelmed by His love for me. I then remembered my precarious job situation at Puttaparthi. As I recollect this incident today, I am convinced Swami saved my job that day. By asking me to accompany Him He ensured that the authorities did not dismiss me for being absent from work. Since the day I left Parthi to join Swami, I had only one thought in my mind – to be in His physical presence. He removed all obstacles to answer this sincere prayer and went to the extent of keeping me in His company so that I do not get into trouble. Such is Swami’s love for His children. He had filled my talaburra (head) with His thoughts and had taken control of my life. 

Murali Kotikalapoodi MBA, 1988 – 1990, Prasanthi Nilayam. Currently working on Business Intelligence at CHRISTUS Health, based in Dallas, Texas. He is also serving as the regional devotional coordinator for Region 10, Sri Sathya Sai Organization, USA.