1996 Brindavan
Swami has vouched innumerable times that He is guarding us like the eyelids of an eye. Even during our last working day of the curriculum in Brindavan in 1996, He told us the same thing while giving us Padanamaskar. I would like to pull out a few experiences from my life after I left the campus to pursue studies outside SSSIHL in 1996.
I was preparing for the MCA-CET qualifying exam and managed to get an average rank. I realized that I could get admission into private colleges only and the best of them being a particular college. I wasn’t too happy because it was a private college and my parents had to spend quite a bit so that I get admission into the college. That night Swami appeared in my dream and told me clearly to join the college. He repeated the statement thrice. I woke up and told my mother about it. She was happy that we now had a clear indication about which college to join. My parents managed to get me an admission into this private college.
The classes started around June. However by the time the first semester exams drew near, we had still not got our hall tickets that were required for me to appear for the exams. It was then we realized that the college had cheated the students as they did not have a valid recognition from the university due to which the students were not permitted to appear for the exams! I was worried and very disappointed. I started questioning Swami if this is what He meant by “guarding me always”. Time passed and the second semester also started. Authorities of the college still had the audacity to tell us that we could write the exams of 2 semesters together. So the second semester also started. However, even by mid-semester, we realized that things were just not getting sorted out. We approached the vice chancellor of the university to help us out. He coldly refused to help us since it was our mistake for getting admitted into a college without verifying its credentials. I would like to mention that this private College has been a longstanding institution, due to which we did not make the effort to verify its credentials. That was the beginning of a long ordeal of test of faith.
We then submitted a requisition to the Chief Minister of the state to intervene and save the career of almost 60 students. After repeated approaches and three months of back and forth trips to the Legislative Assembly and the university, the Chief Minister finally ordered the university to distribute us among recognized institutions. This was the first time in the history of the university that such an order was passed and executed without any objections! Subsequently, all 60 of us from the college were ranked – I was ranked second! Accordingly, we were allocated to recognized colleges and I was put into a college that was ranked number one by the university itself. Also, this college was the closest to my home than the other colleges in the city. It was then that I realized why Swami had emphasized that I join this particular private college. Had I not done that, there would have been no way I could have got admission in a good college with the ranking I got in the MCA-CET exam. Finally the third semester exams approached, and I managed to clear all three semester exams in my new college scoring a first class!
Towards the end of my course in the year 2000, I prayed to Swami that since He put me into a good college I should also get a job placement in a good firm. I got into a good company and I could also see how Swami blessed me since the name of the company was also a part of His name – Satyam! During placement, when the names of the selected candidates were being called out, my name was called out thrice. I realized the importance of Swami appearing in my dream and telling me thrice to join the particular college.
Just as He says, everything is bestowed on us in due course of time when the time is right – and He alone knows when the time is right. Swami has always been protecting me just like the eyelids to the eye. What better fortune can all of us have than to be associated with Him!
Brother Sanjeev SK is based in Banglore works for an global IT & consulting firm. He graduated from Brindavan with a degree in Chemistry.