TV Shankaran
1985 Prasanthi Nilayam
I had the first Darshan of Swami sometime in Brindavan during the mid-1970s. God’s name and silence charged the gathering – Swami came out for Darshan, spreading joy & filling all with His Love. The Bhajans are the first and most irresistible attraction for any newcomer into Swami’s fold, and I was no exception to this phenomenon. Once you hear any Bhajan you will subconsciously sing it. Such is the power of Swami’s Bhajans. His will is all pervading and love all encompassing. Everyone and Everything is centred around Swami, for Swami is the Centre and source of all that is. That is the only reason devotees greet each other (whether known or unknown to each other) by uttering the divine name “Sairam”. In the process of life, each one of us matures in many ways and with Swami being our Guide this process is much quicker and stronger with each passing Kshana. During the Vedic and Upanishadic age, one had to take up Sanyasa in order to be initiated into the Mahavaakyaas.
Today, we hear Swami addressing us as “Divyaatma Swarupalara” and “Prema Swarupalara”. How fortunate are we to have been blessed with the Mahavaakyas irrespective of our spiritual preparedness and seeking. “Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavathi” is what has been said, but here Brahman, in the form of Swami, is creating ‘Brahmavids’. This is the ultimate miracle Mother Earth is witnessing from the Avatar of the age. Then at the conclusion of His divine discourses Swami states, “Aasishthu, Aasirvasishthu.” Such blessed words from Swami throwsthenegative tendencies out of any one, whatever the state of mind one is subjected to. This is the expression and intention of the Divine Love that Swami has been pouring into everyone’s life. There have been many affirmations that I have thought over all these years, to name a few:
1. “The being is lost in the becoming” (The term ‘com’ representing the Complexity that we create).This mantra is valid as long as one lives and even beyond, irrespective of the achievements in Life. A very powerful mantra meant to result in the Advaita Darshan, made very simple and digestive by Our Lord Sai.
2. “Voice of God can be heard only in Silence – God speaks in the language of Silence” (Dakshinamurthy Tatwa)
3. “I am in you and you are in Me – You and Me are One” A very eloquent truth in simple words – Ekameva Advitiyam Brahma.
4. “Help ever, Hurt Never” Love is forgiving and enlightening.