Dr. Prashanth Mahagaonkar
2002 Prasanthi Nilayam
“…Und jedem Anfangwohntein Zauberinne. Der unsbeschützt und der unshilft, zuleben.”
(…And in every beginning resides a magic within. That which protects and helps us to live.)
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), a German poet & Nobel laureate.
What if this magic surrounded you every day, every minute of your life? The magic that was the beginning of all beginnings. What if you meet it face to face? The magic that gave birth to everything that we know and sustains it; the magic without which life would lose all its meaning; the magic which seems equally confounding as it is mesmerizing.
We felt that magic every single day as the orange robe glided past our seemingly confused, yet devoted, minds. Swami sprinkled the magic on each of us, reminding subtly that life isn’t just academics, family, or property, but life is love and to live is to love.
When there was a natural calamity and we gathered our used clothes to be sent to the unfortunate victims, He quickly reprimanded us by saying, “The people who lost their homes were richer than you a night before. Don’t insult them by sending used clothes. Swami will send new clothes”. That’s why I love Him.
When a group of MBAs were asked about their career aims, they responded, “A job in xyz company” or “A job as this…” He was quick again to remind us, “Selfish boys! Only thinking of yourself. You should start small companies. In that way you can give employment to 10 others!” That’s why I love Him.
When as a birthday blessing He surprises you by asking questions in Economics and answers them all by himself – a quick lecture of sorts on exports, production and India’s economic growth. How can one not love Him?
When He sends all His children to far off villages just to teach them how to love the fellow person, how can you not love Him?
He has not just sprinkled that magic, but has showered it in abundance. All for but one favour in return – to spread the magic all over once more. I love Swami because He showed me not just how and why to love the world, but why I should not hate it. While we are tempted to see the abyss below, He tells us to look at the splendid waterfall above. Yes, there is trouble in the world. There is trouble at home, there is trouble at work, there is trouble even in devotion, but He wants us to hold on. Hold on not to His image, not to His miracles, not to His projects, but to His words. His words are completely rooted always in love. His words which help us get rooted back to Him again.
His words which remind us that, God is in everyone and you need love to know that.
The magic resides in those very same words – the magic that protects us and helps us to love. He has silently filled our pockets with glitter, full of that magic. Dare to grab some and sprinkle all over!
Brother Prashanth Mahagaonkar is currently based out of Germany and works as an editor. He helps research students in India on scientific publications. He also supports non profit media organizations in UK & US. During his stay at the institute, he served in the hostel maintenance department and was part of the Brass band playing the baritone.