Vemareddy Mahesh
1998 Prasanthi Nilayam
Bhagawan, the Avatar, means many things to His followers. To me, the most appealing aspect of Bhagawan is Him being the True Eternal Guide. I strongly believe that His message is the only hope to end the misery of mankind and is the panacea for modern day sufferings.
The incarnation descended on earth to guide all spiritual aspirants to reach their ultimate goal of divinity. In the Era of Division, when people are discriminated based on religion, caste, creed, colour, and so on, we had a true Guru who advocated the Brotherhood of Mankind and emphasized on equality of religions. The Divine Master had graciously reminded us the essence of all religions and true spirituality. A true master, who led an exemplary life in His human form, Bhagawan describes His life as, “My Life is my Message”. In His physical form, every act of His is a message to mankind.
His omnipotence and omnipresence has been manifested and experienced by millions of devotees across the globe. However, the biggest miracle of the Bhagawan is the transformation that is being done in hearts of people. As is said, in today’s world “it is not that there are no good people, but good people are not good enough”. There is an element of good and bad in everyone, the good needs to overcome the bad and this is possible through transformation alone. To me this transformation in people across the globe is the only hope for true peace and prosperity.
At the portals of the great institutions that were set up by Bhagawan, we were fortunate to have learnt the essence of life rather than a means to living. The spiritual and secular education learnt at His abode is vital to our personal development and has moulded us to become balanced holistic personalities. The integrated campus education system, modelled on our ancient Gurukula system, has instilled confidence in us and has taught us to lead simple virtuous lives, which helps us even today to practice ceiling on desires. The dedicated selfless love and service of our teachers are a great source of inspiration for all of us. The value system imbibed in us continues to guide us in every moment of our lives.
May we all follow the Master and practice His message to sanctify our lives and reach the ultimate destination – Him.
Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu. Jai Sairam!
Brother Mahesh Reddy is based out of Dubai & works in a senior position with a telecom firm. He is currently the General Secretary of Sathya Sai Organization Dubai, UAE