Ananth Krishnamurthy
It’s not every day that the Lord is ready to grant one’s wish; It’s not every day that Swami asks you “What do you want?”. With complete awareness that Swami possesses the potency to grant whatever you seek, it’s not an easy question to answer. One wrong answer can set one back by many lifetimes. Hence, it’s in one’s own best interest to have trained intensely for this moment, so that when the moment of truth arrived, when Swami puts that question, one wouldn’t have to return to repent at leisure or worse pray for another opportunity to undo what was granted.
It is easy to quote wisdom from hindsight. When Swami asked me “What do you want?” I was hardly 10 years of age and for obvious reasons, there wasn’t enough time to prepare and moreover, the only thing that I wanted liberation from back then was from the rather heavy school curriculum. I asked him for a ring. Our merciful Lord that he is, promptly produced a beautiful ring and slid it into my finger.
Probably out of pity, Swami immediately pointed out to me my Himalayan blunder. Swami remarked “Boy, your ring will not fit you in two years’ time. Ask for something else.” A thought occurred to me that the students who studied at Swami’s institutions have always enjoyed special privileges and hence I saw merit in seeking an admission at His School, which He readily granted. Just as I began to experience some relief, Swami seemed to have adorned an accountant’s hat and asked for the ring back. It appeared that Swami had granted me the boon of the school admission in place of the ring. As soon as I stretched my hand with the ring on it, Swami pulled it out and blew on the ring thrice before it disappeared. It was a roller coaster, to say the least.
It took a long time for me to grasp the shallow nature of my petitions that I had placed before the highest sanctioning authority.
It was not until my post-graduation that I had an opportunity to set things right. I was fortunate to have been part of a Sarva-Dharma presentation on the occasion of a World Inter-faith conference in 2006. I was given the opportunity to play the role of an Islamic cleric delivering the message of Islam. To the larger audience, the drama was quite uneventful and I wouldn’t be surprised if few recall this presentation apart from those who were blessed to be a part of the drama. An hour before the scheduled time, the costumes team got down to work. When I explained to the brother who was in charge of costumes, he began working on me and suggested that I put on a beard to make my appearance seem authentic. I brushed his suggestion aside and made it clear that I preferred to appear clean-shaven as I felt I would probably look hilarious with a beard.
Swami appeared for Darshan and the events for the evening began unfolding. Strangely I began to repent for turning down the costumes brother. A feeling of guilt overcame me that I had accorded importance to my appearance as opposed to being ready to perform for the success of the drama. I felt quite certain that I lacked devotion.
Once the drama was done, Swami appeared very pleased with us and granted us photo opportunities in small groups. When it was our turn to approach Swami, almost naturally, I held Swami’s hand and prayed, “Swami, please bless me with devotion.” Swami looked deeply into my eyes and asked: “You all have assembled here only with devotion, haven’t you?”. I do not know how I mustered the courage to argue with Swami, but with all sincerity, I begged to differ and I said: “Swami, we are here not because of our devotion, but it’s only your compassion”. Swami looked up and as-if pondering over my response for a brief while, He turned to me and he said: “I will definitely give”.
I do not know the status of my boon yet, but I am sure that it will come in good time. But I can only tell you this, when you seek from Him, seek from Him for that with which you need not seek again.
Ananth Krishnamurthy High school Grade 11 & 12, B. Com (Hons) in Brindavan, MBA Finance in Prasanthi Nilayam, 2000 – 2007. Currently Senior Manager of Finance department at TVS Motor Company Limited, Hosur.