2020 95th Birthday Special Edition

You Just Be There, I Will Do It!

K Vinod Cartic

One of the big challenges that most people have in doing social and developmental work is self-doubt. “Oh, this task seems too big. How could we ever do it?” 

I recall the question that I asked my Master when clouded by similar doubts on 18th August 2008 in a family interview at Prasanthi Nilayam. “Are you sure, Swami? I don’t think that we have either the nobility or the ability to run such a huge project”. 

Pat came the Master’s reply: “You just be there in the village and things will happen. I will do it. Whenever any noble work is done, all resources will come as if drawn by a magnet towards the same.”

What greater proof of this than Sai Krushna Charitable Trust. Swami gave it birth, christened it with His name, blessed it with the seed funding, selected the founding Trustees, guided the Trust Deed in person and directed every aspect of its functioning. Yes, I am talking about the direct Divine assurance and guidance from our Lord and Mentor, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on August 18th, 2008 in Prasanthi Nilayam. 

It seems like yesterday when Swami spoke to us. Subsequently, there were multiple interactions involving Swami’s direct guidance. 

Sai Krushna Charitable Trust was registered on 23rd September, 2010 and it is now 10 years of love and service in action. Over the past 10 years, SKCT has made major strides in imparting free education, free healthcare, free socio-economic care through its different projects. Sai Krushna Vidya Mandir, Sai Krushna Arogya Dham, Sai Krushna Mandir, 3H Catalyst are all but different expressions of Bhagawan’s grace, love and concern for all. 

The path has not been rosy. But, working for Sai Krushna Charitable Trust has given us the special privilege of being able to practice truth and love, stick to it in very difficult circumstances and eventually see His word being fulfilled. At the same time, it would be absolutely foolhardy for any of us to claim that we did it. We only know too well that none of these challenges was within our grasp – whether it was the procurement of land, the construction of the children’s home, the transfer and consolidation of authority of school management, the support of the villages, the upbringing of children, the development of a powerhouse of good teachers, the starting of a primary healthcare centre, the team aspiration to develop employability skills for government colleges – each of these and so many more now appear like impossible challenges. Yes, many of us tried diverse things but success invariably came from unexpected avenues. We got a visible demonstration of the necessity and simultaneous futility of all our intellectual planning, gross unpreparedness in spite of the ground work in an emergency.

We also saw the truth in every word of our Master, and how He achieved everything effortlessly, making us blink in disbelief. As He says, I only asked you to push at the mountain; whether and when it will move depends on My Will. But yes, as a result of following His precept, we do feel stronger muscles – physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. 

As part of COVID 19, the Seva activities that have been happening with the tremendous support of hundreds of our Alumni brothers and sisters are a reaffirmation of His word that when good happens, the whole universe conspires to fulfil it. Whether it is the migrants’ food service or distribution of ration kits, the setting up of help desks or establishing the Bangalore Free Plasma Bank – all of these have been enabled through the zeal of innumerable amazing volunteers. 

The last few years have taught me some very important lessons. While I had contemplated on these while sitting at His feet during my student days, I continue to digest and assimilate it even now in the University of Life. Each of these is a vast subject in itself, but I shall only list them here by way of sharing my lessons learnt. 

1. Money is probably the most overrated commodity. Ceiling on Desires is the surest and easiest way to lead a very fulfilling life. If one is willing to earn about 60% – 75 % of his market potential and free up time for Seva, there is just so much more social impact and joy that one can create. 

2. Causes are always more important than people. Tremendous good can be achieved when it does not matter who receives the credit. 

3. Our only task is to make ourselves available for His work. He will do everything anyway.  In conclusion, I can only thank Swami for this glorious learning opportunity, to validate every principle that He taught us, in the crucible of life’s experiences.

Vinod Cartic MBA, 2005 – 2007, Prasanthi Nilayam (Gold Medalist with 5.0 in all 4 semesters). He was part of Mandir Bhajan group. With Swami’s directions and seed funding, he founded Sai Krushna Charitable Trust (SKCT) in the outskirts of Bangalore, which runs a free school, children’s home and primary health care center. As the CEO of 3H Catalyst, an IIM Bangalore-incubated venture, he provides training and upskilling programmes for government college students and corporates.