In Memoriam

Your Life is an exhibition of Swami’s Teachings

Rameswar Prusty
MFM 1996-98, Prasanthi Nilayam

Though I haven’t had the good fortune to be your student in the classroom, nevertheless I have learnt quite a few things from you.

I was humbled by your clarity of purpose and commitment to get the Exhibition Centre ready as a befitting offering to Swami. You conceived the idea and then successfully convinced everyone and provided all the resources required to take it up and complete it. You never took  any credit for all the work that you were doing. That was your humility. Only Swami and Swami’s work mattered to you.

You put in great efforts to identify a suitable agency who could undertake the digital work and provide expertise in the area of exhibits. You planned the reorganisation of the Stores and the Book Stall to accommodate the Exhibition Centre. You redesigned the kiosk, you procured all the items needed for the construction, every tile, every stone, every little thing to the minutest detail. But now, we are missing you.

Your humility and attention to every little detail of the work was commendable. As a true follower of Swami’s teachings, no work was beneath you. Whether it was designing the blueprints or lifting a tin of paint or opening a bag of cement, you never hesitated to get to work and give it your best.

When I learned of your passing, I felt that naming the Exhibition Centre after you would be a fitting tribute to you. It then occurred to me that you will not be happy with such an outcome. Having done all the work you always wanted to be in the background and never in the limelight. According to you it is only Swami’s name and Swami’s message that should be in focus.

On the 6th of May, 20201, you sent me images on the work at the Exhibition Center that was progressing silently. Little did I realize that it would be the last communication from you. Just as silently you passed on into another world. This time it was to help Swami with another project. I pray to Swami to guide us so that the project is completed the way you envisioned it. I hope you will be happy with the final offering. I pray you are always in bliss in Swami’s company. I am forever grateful to you.